Chapter 6 (imagine a good name for this chapter)

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Rick, Jonathan and I are using sledgehammers against the ceiling, while Evy is gently chipping away the wall with a tiny chisel.

EVELYN According to my calculations, we should be right under the statue. We'll come up right between his legs.

I grin, oh my it seems my sister is more of a virgin that I am. 

JONATHAN And when those dirty Yanks go to sleep--'looks at Rick' No offense.

RICK None taken

JONATHAN --We'll dig our way up and steal that book out from under them.

RICK And you're sure you can find the secret compartment?

 EVELYN Yes, if those beastly Americans haven't beaten us to it.

JONATHAN Where'd our smelly little friend get to?

JULIETTE Who cares, we can finally breathe again, and he did not have clean teeth. Why don't we take a break from destroying an ancient Egyptian place?

EVELYN  Your probably right, let's take a break.

*time skip to Evy playing teacher*

As I was reading the hieroglyphics on the walls, Jonathan played golf with some stones and got the ceiling to break. Suddenly a giant sarcophagus lays at the same place, where I stood a few minutes ago.

JULIETTE Jonathan, you almost killed me!

JONATHAN Did not! At least not on purpose.

JULIETTE Let this be a warning, if I die today, you are the first one that I will haunt. But for now, let's check this thing out. I said, pointing to the sarcophagus.

 EVELYN Oh, my god. It's a...  it's a sarcophagus. Buried at the base of Anubis. He must have been someone of great importance. Or he did something very naughty.

Evy and I clear off the dirt on top of the sarcophagus, revealing a single, ominous hieroglyph. As we stare at it Jonathan asks: 

JONATHAN Well? .... Who is it?

EVELYN 'He that shall not be named.

Rick blows at it so that a star with eight pieces is revealed with a picture of a scarab inside. 

RICK This looks like some sort of lock

JONATHAN Whoever's in here sure wasn't getting out.

RICK No kiddin', without a key, it'll take us a month to crack this thing,

EVELYN A key! That's it! That's what he was talking about.

RICK Who was talking about what?

Evelyn starts rummaging through my backpack, throwing my weapons out of it.

JULIETTE Careful! I just got them sharpened!

EVELYN The man on the barge. The one with the hook, he was looking for a key.

Evelyn pulls out the key/box and unfolds it. 

JONATHAN Hey that's mine!

 Evelyn smiles and puts the key into the hole.  And that's when we hear the Wardens SCREAMS echoing through the room. All of us turn and take off running into the direction, where the screams come from. Aren't we intelligent, doing the same thing as every protagonist in every Horror movie that I know. 

Danger- run to it whether it was a knock on the door or a strange sound from outside 

As we make it out of the room, the warden runs past us, screaming and running further,.. against a wall. After the impact, he is dead, but I have never ever heard that someone died from running into a wall, that's just not possible. Or is it?

 After we recovered from the shock, we made our way to the surface.

*time skip fire camp - Night*

EVELYN What do you suppose killed him?

JONATHAN Did you ever see him eat?

JULIETTE That might not be true, but I don't think he died from running into the wall either.

Rick comes up over some rocks.

RICK Seems the Americans had a little misadventure of their own today, three of their diggers were melted.


RICK Salt acid. Pressurized salt acid. Some sort of ancient booby-trap.

JONATHAN Maybe this place really is cursed

JULIETTE We don't know about that jet. 'A GUST OF WIND blows through the camp' But I fear that might be true. 

EVELYN Oh for goodness sake you two!

RICK You don't believe in curses, huh?

EVELYN No. I don't. I believe if I can see it and I can touch it, then it's real. That's what I believe.

O'Connell cocks his rifle, KA-CHANK!

RICK I believe in being prepared.

Jonathan opens the Warden's pouch, the one that held the scarabs. He reaches in, starts scrounging around. WE SLOWLY PUSH IN. Waiting for the attack. THE MUSIC BUILDS. And then,--Jonathan SCREAMS in pain and RIPS his hand back out of the pouch. O'Connell and Evelyn both jump.


Jonathan sucks his finger, then reaches back into the pouch and pulls out a LIQUOR BOTTLE, the top has been chopped off.

JONATHAN Seagrams!

JONATHAN Well, he may have been a stinky fellow,....but he had good taste

Jonathan takes a swig. Rick and Evelyn sit down again, guiltily only to hear hooves coming from behind them.

Rick jumps up and gives the elephant gun to Evelyn.

RICK Stay here! 

He takes off running through the ruins. Evelyn immediately gets up and runs after him. Jonathan grabs a gun, holds the bottle of Seagrams; tight and dashes after her.  

As I still sat in the sand, slowly standing up and walking after them.

So, that's it for now. Thanks for reading. 

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