Chapter Twenty-Nine

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SO, again, let's get 30 More Votes! 320 Is our new goal and I'll have the inspiration to update again!

SONG: We are Family by Sister Sledge

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Week 31- The baby's brain is growing and developing quickly. Parts of the brain can now control the baby's temperature. Bones harden, but the skull remains soft and flexible.


It's been three days since we received the news. The news about Ian's family; Ian's dad.

When the social worker came back, she came and said that he was from Brooklyn, from a really bad poverty-stricken neighborhood. His dad was all he had left. When Ian's dad left him at the zoo, apparently he went straight to alcohol and was in immediate care until he passed away from alcoholic death.

Ian had no one in this world.

Within five minutes of the news, I and Clyde had decided to take in Ian. We were having one baby, why not take in a 6-year-old?

That first night, they took him away and told us all paperwork had to go through with the system before we could officially call him ours.

They said it'd take two weeks.

We're getting him today, thanks to Clyde's connections and wealth.

Currently, we're at Walmart picking suitable, temporary decorations for Ian's new room.

"Are you sure we can handle this, Stila?" Clyde asked for the millionth time, staring at Walmarts small array of child comforters.

"Yes. Would you want him going anywhere else? It's fate, babe," I replied, reaching out to inspect a Marvel superhero one more closely.

"I guess you're right. I'm just worried, in a few months we'll have a newborn baby. What if we don't give enough time to him?" Clyde asks worriedly, picking up the plush blanket that matched the comforter.

"I'm not worried about that," I replied, putting everything that was Marvel related in our cart.

"What toys do you think we should get him?" Clyde asked once we were finished with picking out room decorations.

"Let's get him anything that looks like a six-year-old might enjoy," I tell him, plopping in a giant pack of play-doh.

"I guess that's one way of working out what he likes," he muttered, dropping in toys into the cart until it was overflowing.

By the time we left Walmart, we had to get an extra cart for more things Ian might want; including but not limited to a new TV, a Playstation, and a laptop.

When we left Walmart, it was 1:00 pm. By the time we got home and made Ian's room into a six-year old's dream, it was 6:00 pm.

The social worker was supposed to drop him off at 6:30 pm, with a court date so that we could permanently get custody over Ian.

Hurrying around the kitchen, I and Clyde work together to make homemade spaghetti. The noodles took up the most time.

But by the time 6:30 rolled around, we had managed to set out spaghetti on 2 nice plates for me and Clyde, and a kid safety plate for Ian with water in plastic cups as well.

"Do you think I look okay?" I ask Clyde nervously, fidgeting with my button-down blouse.

"I think you look beautiful, as always. Especially with my baby in your stomach," he replied, his eyes getting glossy.

Rolling my eyes, I ignore his look of wanting and focus on the door, waiting for the doorbell to ring.

After another five minutes of staring and waiting, the doorbell finally rings.

With Clyde standing right beside me, I open the door up and am greeted with Ian's smiling face and Mary's tired one.

"I just have to do a quick home inspection and then he's all yours. Your court date will be 2 weeks from now at 2 pm," She says, accepting the invitation to come in.

"Sounds perfect!" I chipper, showing her around the house.

Because I couldn't stop talking, the inspection lasted 30 minutes, and Clyde had to cover our food in tin foil.

When she finally left, I and Clyde jumped with joy.

"Ian, dear. Do you know what this means?" I ask him, crouching down to meet his eye level.

"Am I having a sleepover with you two?" He asks, his voice sweet and innocent.

"Yes. A sleepover where you stay forever. Does that sound okay to you?"

"Really?" He inquires, his face lighting up with excitement. "No more daddy?"

"No, no more daddy, sweetie," I tell him, sorrow evident in my features.

We all sit down at the dinner table, and Clyde takes off the tin foil surrounding our food.

"Do you like spaghetti?" I ask Ian, handing him his plastic kid fork.

"I love spaghetti. I love anything that I can eat," he says, shoving a big bite into his mouth.

"I promise you'll eat so much here. You'll probably eat too much," I tell him, trying to disguise my sadness.

When we all finish eating our dinner, Clyde brought out Ice Cream for Ian, which he absolutely adored.

When he was finished with that, we decided it was time to show him his room.

"Would you like to see your room?" I ask him, smoothing down his hair.

"I have a whole room to myself?" he says, perplexed.

"Of course!" Clyde replies, tickling his chest.

With Ian giggling in Clyde's arms, I lead the way to Ian's room and opened the door.

"Wow," Ian whispered when he walked in, looking around in amazement.

"Do you like it?" I ask him.

"I LOVE IT!" He shouts, grinning so wide I could see his molars.

I laughed and hugged him. For the rest of the night, I and Clyde hung out with Ian and played with all of his new toys. We were the happiest we've ever been, with our new family member by our side. 


That was a fast update, right? 


Xoxo, Cooler_Than_You_101

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