Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Week 11- Bones start to harden in your baby, while muscles begin to develop. The backbone can flex is and is very soft. The skin is still thin but will start to harden soon.


Today was the day and I couldn't be any more excited and nervous.

I was going to see my baby for the first time, which scared me to no end but also made me feel instant joy.

Theo, having a model shoot, sadly couldn't join in today's festivities, but he promised to come next time.

Clyde said that he'd meet met at the doctor's office, which made me panic a little. I was nervous that he would bail on me, and decide to get ice cream instead. Ice cream with M&M's to be exact, because who doesn't love M&M's?

Or maybe he was going to show up late, just like how it happens in movies. And let's face it, everyone watches those movies so the nurse will think that we had a fight or something and call social services and I will never get to hold my baby.

I may be overreacting a little, but it's the hormones. I promise. Definitely, not my overactive imagination was talking about.

Jumping in the shower and applying a sheer layer of makeup, sheer actually meaning two layers of foundation and an amazing wing, I finally get dressed and head to the kitchen, hoping to snatch some avocado and gummy bears.

For some reason, I started craving the mixture last week and I can't stop eating them. But at least it's better than pickles in Nutella. That sounds utterly disgusting... although now that I'm thinking about, sour chocolate? That sounds delicious.

Cutting an avocado in half, I place one-half in the fridge and start mashing the other half so it's a paste; who wants chunky avocado on their gummy bears?

When I'm done eating, which took like 30 minutes because I needed the other half of that avocado (I couldn't survive, my stomach was begging for more of the flavor), I rushed and pulled on my shoes, running out the door.

Hailing a taxi, I looked at my phone as I got in and realized I needed to be across town at my appointment in 15 minutes, which was so not happening.

"Hey, dude. I'll give you a penny extra if you can get me to my destination in t-minus 10 minutes. That'll buy you a tootsie pop." I tell the man, hoping he accepts my generous gift.

"Make it $15 and you've got a deal," he said, looking back into the rearview mirror and smirking at me.

"You realize that you can buy 1500 tootsie pops with that kind of money, right? I don't think I should let you have that kind of control. What about 500 tootsie pops?" I ask him, reaching inside my wallet to flash him a $5 bill.

"Fine lady, just because you're pregnant and I don't want you crying in my back seat," he says, speeding off into the bright city of New York.


Due to the taxi drivers amazing speed, we got to the building in under 15 minutes, and I gave him 500 tootsie pops worth of pennies. Except not like actual pennies. I don't have time for that.

Rushing into the building, I make it the floor and check in, walking into the waiting room to wait for my turn to walk into the horrendous rooms in the back.

If they decide to stick that thing up my yahoo... I'm gonna be real salty.

Deciding that I should actually look where I'm going and not at the floor (I mean that's why most of my clumsiness occurs), I look up and the first thing I notice is Clyde's smirking face.

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