Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven 

Pregnancy Week 10: Fingers and toes are growing, while soft nails are being formed. It may be possible to hear your baby's heartbeat with a Doppler Auscultation device.





"What the fuck," I moan, opening my eyes to see light pouring in from my windows.

Trying to grab my phone, I grab an empty bag of Cheetos instead. I try again, only to find an empty Capri sun.

I guess skipping a whole week of work, staying in bed watching Arrow on Netflix and eating junk food for the last nine days would make someone's living quarters a mess. In this case, my room was my living quarter and my bed was my garbage can. Which technically made me garbage.

Huh. Never thought of that.

Shaking out my thoughts, I could hear the pounding continue.

"For fuck sakes, Stila. I've had to drag you out of bed the past few weeks than you've ever had to drag me out of." Theo yelled from behind the door.

"You're lying and we both know it," I croaked, covering my face with my blanket.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night. Open this door before I kick it down, Stila baby." Theo yelled, increasing the velocity of his knocks.

"I'm not going to work today, so there isn't a reason I need to open the door," I yelled back, turning my back to the door and staring at the wall.

"Stila baby, you need to. You cashed in your last vacation day on Friday. If you don't go today, you'll get fired." He says, stopping his knocking. I hear him take a seat outside of my door, probably on the floor.

"I don't care, my life is over anyway. The only thing that'll ever be good is this thing inside of me, but probably when it's like 12 and can fend for itself. What is it going to eat?! All I ever eat are ramen noodles and pizza and Chinese food and macaroni and cheese. It'll die before it's thirty!" I say, starting off calm but then bursting into sobs.

"You won't be able to pay for the ramen noodles or Chinese food without a job, Stila baby. Kick the thought of Clyde Lyles out of your mind, he's useless and he doesn't deserve you or your baby." Theo says, using the voice of calm.

"Okay," I sigh, getting up and opening the door. "Make me pretty. You only have 20 minutes."


"Well, well, well. Look who finally showed up," Craig said, baring his yellow teeth in an awkward, fake smile.

"Sorry Mr.Tele, I wasn't feeling very peachy the last week. I think it's food poisoning," I said, the lie coming straight through my tongue without any regret.

"We have a lot to catch up on, missy. But first, would you be a dear and fetch me a coffee? The assistant that took your place didn't burn it, which I'm quite actually missing," he sarcastically said, walking into his office.

Feeling anger take a hold of me, I calmed myself down and got Mr. Jackass the coffee he so kindly asked for.

For the rest of the day, and into Tuesday, I caught up with what I missed, making a few phone calls here and there and planning a few meetings on Craig's behalf.

On Wednesday morning, I came into the office bright and early, as there was a board meeting to discuss the future of Telecable.

The morning went amazing, except the fact that I kept dozing off.

Since being pregnant apparently doesn't allow you to have coffee, I've been drinking non-caffeinated tea.

Let's just say that's not a fair substitute for the amazing taste of grounded black coffee beans.

Needless to say, I was pretty frickin tired.

Walking out of the conference room, I was greeted with a familiar back. A back that I walked out on like 2 ½ months ago, to be exact.

Turning around, Clyde had a thoughtful expression on his face. When he saw me, that expression quickly changed to sorrow.

"Hey, Stila right? Can we talk?" He asks, twiddling his fingers.

"Uhm. I guess so," I say, realizing that I have no excuse not to talk to him. Craig was still in the conference room, trying to remain buddies with his highest investors.

I motioned towards an empty conference room, quickly walking inside and sitting down. Clyde closed the door and sat down across from me, folding his hands together.

"Look, I'm sorry for walking out on you. I just can't really believe that there is a thing inside you that might resemble me, that actually has my blood flowing through it. I acted irrationally," he started. I saw the regret deep in his eyes.

"Mhm," I contributed.

"I only remember you from glimpses. Hell, I didn't even get to the part where I kick you out of my apartment after we ate breakfast. Which sounds really bad, I know. But people don't usually want to leave me," he says, a smirk taking over his face.

"Uhm, I understand. I'm sorry about that, by the way. I'd hate to think that you wasted food. But uh, this... baby inside of me. I know that it's yours. Before we uhm.. You know, I didn't do it for like 2 months. And I'm definitely not almost 5 months pregnant. I haven't done it since then, either." I tell him, making the atmosphere in the room fifty shades awkward.

"So it's 100% mine? Okay." He says, running his hand through his hair.

"Yeah. If you want, there is an appointment next week for the baby. I think that they are going to try and hear it's heartbeat if you wanna... you know, come along." Mentioning the doctor's appointment was not one of my brilliant ideas, as I wanted to see the baby for the first time all by myself so that no one except the doctor could witness my tears.

"Yeah, that sounds great! Here, this is my actual cell phone number. Text me when and where the appointment is, and I'll be sure to be there," He says, scribbling down a number.

We sit in awkward silence, both us not knowing what to do.

"Soo, uhh, I think I'm needed by Mr. Dumbass," I say, getting up from my chair after 5 minutes of the silence that I couldn't bear.

"Okay! Well, I'll see you next week then. Don't be afraid to reach out for me," he says, while we leave the conference room and back into the area my desk was in.

"Sounds good. Uhm, bye," I say, waving at him as the elevator doors close.

Slumping in my seat, and putting my face in my hands, I think about what's to come in the future and what I should leave in the past. Deciding that the incident that happened a week ago was just out of surprise, I let Clyde off the hook.

I don't know why, but I was looking forward to next week.

"STILA, get me a coffee you stupid, arrogant girl!"



I just want to say a big thank you to @RayneRobbins for voting. You rock!

If you wanna be as cool as RayneRobbins, VOTE PLEASE. and PLEASE comment. I've not yet had a comment for this book and it's really depressing. So if you care about my wellbeing, comment.

And you know follow for the goods ;)

Song for this Chapter: Closer by the Chainsmokers ft. Halsey. Not because it relates to the story, but because I've been obsessed with it like every other teenage girl in the world. It's a serious addiction, okay?

XOXO, -Cooler_Than_You_101

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