Chapter 4 - School

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Chapter 4

I had school today, so I got up early and went and took a shower when I was allowed out. As I got dressed, I looked at myself in the mirror. How could I have such a gorgeous mate? Look at me, I am disgusting.

I walked to school. It was cold but the sun was out. I had fresh scars on my wrist from a few days ago, I felt strange.

"Angel" the voice made me shiver. I turned around to see Anthony running towards me, everyone around us were gawking, there mouths hung open as Anthony approached me. He was getting closer but I took a step back. He noticed my sudden movement, and he slowed down to a jog so that he was a few feet away from me now.

"How have you been?" I nodded at him. He smiled at me, his smile like the sun.

"Did you have fun with your friends?" I looked at him confused, what friends? I don't have any.

"Your father said that you were out with friends on Saturday" oh that's what it was. I nodded my head, I don't want him getting suspicious. He walked me inside, why was he walking with me? Does he go to this school?

"I bet you're wondering why I am here" he laughed. I nodded at him.

"I am starting this school, first day, so please look after me, its on neutral grounds so your father cant stop me from seeing you here" he smiled and winked at me. I had to turn my face away because I was blushing.

"So can you show me to the office babe?" I nodded, he put his arm around my waist. I jumped out of his hold and landed on the ground. Some people around me were laughing and pointing. I started breathing really heavily, since I did that he will hit me, won't he? He looked worried. He held out his hand, but people were still laughing around me. I jumped up and ran to the toilet.

It has been half an hour of me crying in the loo. I walked out making sure it doesn't look like I was crying. There I saw him, standing, waiting for me outside the door. He is late for class. He saw me and smiled.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded, but I wasn't okay, I don't think I will ever be okay. He put out his hand and I flinched. He's going to hit me now, isn't he?

"What's wrong?" he asked. I opened my eyes to find him looking worried, "I am not going to hurt you, I want you to hold my hand, I want to walk you to class" he smiled and held out his hand again. I looked at it for a moment, what do I do? My wolf was screaming "TAKE IT, TAKE HIS HAND" and that's what I did. As I reached out for it, my hoodie sleeve rolled up and it showed my new scars. He noticed, but didn't say anything. He just took my hand and started walking.

"Em, I don't know where your class is Angel" I took out my timetable and showed him. He smiled, "You're in my class" he beamed. I couldn't help but smile a little at how happy he was. 

I walked him to class because he didn't know where it was. He walked in first, still holding my hand. I felt sparks from his hand to mine, it felt nice.

"Sorry I'm late, I got lost, then Angel showed me the way here since we are in the same class" the teacher nodded and then looked at me and smiled. I looked at the ground and walked to my seat. I was still holding Anthony's hand and it didn't seem like he minded at all. He sat beside me, and it was so hard to concentrate on what  I was meant to do since he was still holding my left hand. I looked up from the desk to find everyones eyes on us, my face started to go bright red.

When some of the classes were finished, Anthony told me to meet him by the front doors, he wanted to go to McDonald's for lunch but he doesn't know where it is. First, I went into the toilet to clean up, but the door swung open and a skinny blonde came in.

"What are you doing with Anthony? Is he your boyfriend? Or is he just one of your toys you whore?"  she pushed my shoulder. I tried to go around her but there were two more behind her. She pushed me against the wall and started shouting in my face; calling my a whore, slag, ugly and so much more. She slapped me a few times, then left. I slid down the wall in tears. I had to go get Anthony, I need his touch, even  my wolf was whimpering. I tried to tell her that I'm okay, but she knows I'm lying

I checked myself in the mirror; my face was red from that girl's slaps and my eyes were red from crying. I walked out of the bathroom to find everyone staring at me. I put my hood up and started walking out to get Anthony. I looked around for him, but I couldn't see him. When I walked around the corner, there he was, with that blonde whispering in his ear. He wasn't touching her, but she was moving her hands all over him.

I had this surge of anger and jealousy and his head snapped up to look at me.  I ran towards that blonde bitch and ripped her of Anthony. She fell to the ground looked up to see it was me. She smirked, stood up and ran for me, pulling my hair and scratching me, even biting me.

I ripped a chunk of her hair out, and she did the same to me. I felt someone pull me off her and I knew it was Anthony, because I could feel sparks. I looked up and saw everyone with there phones out, recording it. That blonde bitch was sitting crying. I grabbed Anthony's hand and walked away.

"Wow, you are really hot when you're jealous." I snapped my head back at him and growled. That has been the first time I have growled for years, it shocked me. Anthony was just smiling at me.

"So, are you hurt?" he asked. I slowed my pace and walked beside him. I shock my head, no.

"Have you ever done something like that before? I mean fight?" I shook my head. He was still smiling at me, he looked proud. 

We reached McDonald's and Anthony bought a big mac and a chocolate milkshake. I knew one of the girls there, so she knew what to get me, she was in my pack too. She always looks at me with a sad look on her face. We sat down at one of the tables and started eating, I ate like a pig.

"You sure can eat for such a small thing" I heard Anthony laugh. I just shrugged, I couldn't help the way I ate, I was starved the whole weekend. 

"So how did you get those scars on your wrists, they weren't there on Friday?" My head snapped up, fear was clearly showing on my face. "You don't have to tell me, but I would like to know." i shook my head, no. I don't want to tell him, he will think I'm pathetic.

"If it's your father, you can come live with me." My eyes widened. "Are you okay?" I nodded, I wasn't really. My wolf was telling me to tell him, but I couldn't speak. I started drinking my strawberry milkshake to distract myself.

We walked back to school hand in hand. It felt good holding his hand, but then I remembered I had History. Everyone was staring at Anthony and as I we walked into school. I kept my head down, trying not to look at anyone. He went the opposite way, but not before giving me a kiss on my forehead. I walked into history, and it went by rather fast.

When I got home, I was locked back up in the cells. I wasn't hit when he locked me in. I was so tired today, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep on the damp, dark cell floor.


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