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Frieda slept quite well that evening for someone who was about to take part in a daring escape plan which could result in her death if anything went wrong, but the risks of staying there were just as high as those if she left. There was no breakfast for her that morning, which only fuelled her desperation to leave.

Stepping out of her cell at the same time as the others, Frieda casted a casual glance across the quad towards Eoghan. Stretching his arms over his head, he too looked across at her and gave her a small, encouraging nod. Frieda's mood and hopes were lifted that morning as she made the walk to Domitius's house and as she did so she found herself making longer strides. She was eager for the day to over and the night to begin but her conscience began to creep in at the corners of her mind when she heard Amara call out behind her.

Frieda's heartbeat quickened and she began to walk faster. Slipping past those in front of her to place a physical barrier between herself and Amara, Frieda began to distance herself when she remembered what Eoghan had said. No one could know what they were planning, and if she began to act unusually it could cause her unwanted attention. Frieda and Amara had been within each other's presence almost every day since she had arrived, and if she changed that now people would begin to wonder why.

Slowing to a near stop, Frieda turned and gave a small wave to Amara. Frieda closed her eyes briefly, gathering her strength for the lies she would undoubtedly have to tell her over the course of the day, before she opened them and plastered a tight smile on her lips.

"I thought you were not going to stop," Amara chuckled nervously as they resumed their walk to the villa together.

Frieda looked at Amara carefully from the corner of her eye. What if she did tell her? Frieda did not think that Amara would tell the guards about her and Eoghan, not if she invited her to come with them. Surely Amara would choose freedom over captivity any day.

"Amara-" Frieda said, the palms of her hands sweating.

"Hmm," Amara looked to Frieda, her sparkling moss-green eyes searching hers.

"What if I told you-" Frieda began to speak when a group of girls interrupted them. Crowding around Amara they began to shower her in praise and adoration.

"Amara, we just wanted to show our gratitude," One of the girls said as she handed Amara a piece of bread wrapped in cloth whilst the others continued to speak over themselves, each trying to convey how much their admired her.

Frieda watched the scene with mild interest before she paid closer attention to Amara and saw that her eyes had begun to nearly sparkle with joy and elation at the girls' words. Frieda realised then that Amara liked this and that she enjoyed being the queen of their small group, but if they were to leave she would no longer have that. Amara had more to lose by leaving than she did by staying.

Eventually the girls left and Amara turned to Frieda, "What were you going to say?"

Frieda shook her head, "It does not matter."

Amara did not press her on it as she reached down and split the bread she had been given in two, handing a chunk to Frieda. Frieda stared down at the bread and felt her conscience assaulting her once again; Amara had no idea she was giving what little food she had to a girl who was going to leave her.

Frieda began to refuse it when she remembered that she could not create any suspicion, so before Amara's confused frown could turn to one of speculation Frieda reached out and took the food, offering her mumbled gratitude as she did so.

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