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A pair of arms wrapped themselves around Lazarus's waist as something barrelled straight into him, knocking him to the hard ground.

Felix stepped out of the way as Lazarus's head hit the place where he had just been stood.

Looking up, Lazarus saw Felix grinning down at him before he lifted the bowl of broth to his lips and took a sip from it.

Growling, Lazarus pushed at the shoulders of the man still clinging to his hips whilst he kicked out at him.

His foot found the man's shin but he clutched onto Lazarus as if his life depended upon it. Working his leg up, Lazarus managed to knee the man in his soft abdomen, forcing him to convulse and roll away from Lazarus.

Getting to his knees, Lazarus swung his fists into the man's face, knocking him out instantly.

He could screams all around him as people watched their loved ones fight each other desperately for meagre scraps of food.

Looking over his shoulder, Lazarus saw a flash of movement near his head and narrowly ducked out of the way. Rolling a few feet away, Lazarus looked back to see a man in a loose brown tunic with his heel pushed deep into the mud. He had been aiming for Lazarus's head.

Turning, the man strode towards Lazarus.

Hurrying to his feet, Lazarus heard the sound of rattling chains as people ran and were thrown about by the very people they used to live with.

Lazarus however did not recognise the man striding towards him now so he felt no guilt in what was about to happen.

As he thought would happen the man swung for Lazarus's head but his hands were bound by chains and the sudden lunge tilted him off balance.

Lazarus easily stepped back to avoid the swing before he lifted his foot and tripped the man up. His body crashed to the ground hard but he barely had time to blink before Lazarus crouched over his body and sent a solid punch into his jaw.

The chains limited his range of motion but on the third punch the man was knocked out cold, a trail of blood pouring from his nose.


Hearing Marlena shout his name, Lazarus looked up to see a heavy set man brandishing a two foot long branch in his hands, his cheeks red from exertion.

Ducking the swing of the branch, Lazarus stepped forward and rammed his shoulder against the man's knees.

Lazarus felt a flare of plain jar his shoulder as the man fell over the top of Lazarus and landed upon his back behind him.

Panting, Lazarus got to his feet but before he could retrieve the branch he spotted two men with close-cut blonde hair and wiry frames circling him. They were working together Lazarus realised as they sent each other sly gazes.

The taller one struck out first by aiming a blow at Lazarus's stomach but he was slow and Lazarus was easily able to catch his wrists.

About to retaliate, Lazarus was suddenly jolted backwards by a length of chain coiling around his neck as the second man attacked from behind.

Holding on tightly to the first man's binds, Lazarus gasped as he felt the thick metal begin to crush his throat, restricting his breathing.

He had to act fast. His limbs were already growing tired from the lack of food and energy.

His heart was pounding as he pulled tightly on the first man's chains, pulling him off balance towards Lazarus.

As he did fell forward, Lazarus released his hold on the binds and rammed his elbow hard into the man's nose. He heard the soft crack of bone as it broke before he fell to the ground atop the heavy-set man who let out a loud whine of discomfort.

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