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For a fifth time that afternoon Frieda found herself face-down on the ground, her cheek pressed into the grass. Looking up, Frieda saw the other people gathered around watching them. Groaning with frustration and anger, she pushed herself up and dislodged Amara's foot which had been pressed into her back.

"You need to pay attention-" Amara told her, swatting her around the ear as she got to her feet, before quickly dodging out of the way when Frieda swung her arm out in displeasure.

"Hey!" Frieda shouted, irritated as she reached up to rub her ear where it stung, "I told you that I am not doing this. Now leave me alone."

Frieda began to walk away when something hooked around her ankle and pulled it out from underneath her. Pitched forward, Frieda's arms were not quick enough to reach out and catch her fall so her face hit the ground hard, pain shooting up her nose. Squeezing her eyes shut against the sudden wash of stinging tears, Frieda heard the raucous laughter coming from those that watched, and it annoyed her.

Clenching her teeth, Frieda turned over onto her back and glared up at Amara, who had her hands raised in the air in surrender, but there was a smile on her lips.

"Stop it," Frieda snapped as she began to get to her feet but she had barely raised her bum off the ground when Amara stepped forward and pushed her back down again.

Frieda shouted out as she fell onto her back, the momentum from the push causing her to roll backwards, her legs going over the top of her head and the laughter in the courtyard to double. Breathing heavy, Frieda came to rest on her knees as she threw her head back, hurriedly moving her mass of hair out of the way with her hands, "I told you to stop!"

"Do you think they will stop because you ask them?" Amara pointed to the people around them.

Frieda looked around her at the others, her eyes focusing on the muscles in their bodies and their fierce physiques, "Why are you doing this?"

Sighing, Amara stepped forward and leant over, resting her hands on her knees, "Because when I said that there were worse places than this, I meant it."

After a moment Frieda gave a small reluctant nod, resting back on the heels of her feet.

"Good," Amara sighed, a breath of relief passing her lips as she began to straighten up, but before she could do so Frieda shot out her arm and caught Amara's wrist. Thinking she was distracted, Frieda tried to pull Amara down to the ground beside her however, after a few tugs, Amara remained unmoved.

Realising her mistake, Frieda's eyes darted from where she was holding on to Amara's wrist up to Amara's face where she saw a playful smirk on her lips and a glint in her eyes, "Nice try."

"Uh oh," Frieda said as she watched Amara's hand twisted around in her grip and caught a hold of Frieda's wrist instead.

Looking back up at Amara she gave Frieda a wink before she straightened up and pulled Frieda up off the ground and into the air. Releasing her grip, Amara stepped to the side and Frieda hurtled past her, her body falling back to the ground. Once again, for the umpteenth time, she was lying on her front with her cheek pressed into the grass.

Groaning in pain, Frieda rolled over onto her back and simply laid there, staring up at the sky when a hand shot out in front of her. Looking at it sceptically, Frieda raised her head and saw that it belonged to Amara. Arching an eyebrow, Frieda stared at Amara as if she thought she was stupid.

Amara shook her hand at Frieda, telling her to take it but Frieda just sat there and glared up at her.

"Okay," Amara sighed, tilting her head to the side, "I promise not to throw you on the ground again, now will you take my hand?"

Gladiators of Rome:Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now