My Capture

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                                well this is my first story attempt and I'm sorry if its not good or has a few misspelled things here and there and i hope you like the story as i try and make it better! well on to the story!

I made sure not to trip any alarms as I tried to get the files I was hired to get. which was in a very secure safe guarded by two guards everyday at the same time. I wasn't given much information but that and well the amount of money they were giving me was enough for me to even go on this suicide mission. I'm what most call a rouge. I don't have a pack and I work on my own but I have my reasons. I'm skilled and was taught how to be a Field spy when I was seven.

I was traveling through the vents looking for the room I needed and retrieve the files. I grinned when I found the safe. like they said the two guards were there and they were trained to catch rouges or werewolves like me. Sadly for them id be a bit of a problem since I could move things with my mind. A hard trick to learn trust me. I examined the room and saw nothing I could work with so id have to destroy the cameras and then take out the guards. I reached to my utility belt and took two smoke bombs and let them land on the floor. I pulled on the opening of the vent and then jumped to the ground and then with my werewolf speed charged to the cameras and took them out. I then slipped my hood on and charged at one of the guards who was coughing. I brought him to the ground and then quickly smashed his head into the ground and knocked him out while the smoke cleared.

The other guard was now alert of where I was."Well look here a girl like you shouldn't be playing spy."he said. The guard was very well built better then the one I knocked out. He had black hair and I couldn't tell what color his eyes were since he was wearing sun glasses."I guess you've never heard of me." I said with a smirk. I charged at this guard and flipped over him when he aimed for a kick. I then kicked his feat out from under him. He grabbed on to my feet and made me fall.

"Well that wasn't nice. Looks like ill have to teach you manners." i said and the guard gasped which meant he saw my White eyes. My eyes only turn White when I use the psychic powers which I loved. I sent the guard hurtling to the wall and then I went to the safe and put my ear to the safe and started turning the switch thing. I smirked when I heard the click. I opened the safe and searched for the file. I growled when the alarms went off. I searched faster and once I found the file I jumped out the window and ran into the trees. I put the file in my bag and then shifted into my black wolf that had my bright blue eyes. I grabbed my bag with my teeth and took off to get my reward.

I ran to my destination and shifted back to my human form and put on my spar clothes in the bag. I kept my hood on at all times. I was in black skinny jeans and a black hoodie and black high top converse. My strawberry blond hair was in a bun to keep from showing. I was so curious on what they had sent me on a death trap to retrieve some silly papers.

"Hello rouge." the man who hired me said. I turned to see him sitting on a bench. "Well before I give you these papers tell me why you wanted them so bad." I ordered. He smirked. I was highly confused until two big guys pinned my arms behind me. The boss of them stood up from the bench and approached me as I struggled in there hold. "Now rouge this file tells me all i need to know about your family line and we plan on training you to be the top best werewolf fighter and to do that involves a mentor and you will meet him soon." The man said. I growled and sent to two guards flying. "I will not go to a pack or be train in your ways!" I yelled. The man sighed. "I was scared we would have to do this the hard way." He said. All of a sudden someone pulled my hood off my head showing my face. Well there goes that secret.

I got out of the hoodie and before I could shift someone tackled me and pinned me to the ground. That person put a collar around my neck that shocked me each time I tried using my psychic powers. I growled and struggled in the hold of my capture. "Very good Damon." The man who tricked me said. "This collar prevents you from using your special abilities against us and we plan on teaching along with a few others new abilities an seeing how far those limits are." He said. I gasped and started struggling more."You cant do that! People must learn those abilities and if the ability doesn't match there DNA the power will kill them!" I yelled. He just smirked."I don't care as long as my army is what i need it to be."He said. I growled as the one called Damon picked me up."Get ready rouge your training begins tomorrow." He said.

I guess hell is were ever this lunatic takes me. I kept struggling but my efforts were just a waist since the had already thrown me in the back of a car and took off. Will I be able to escape this and my past or am I just screwed?


thanks for reading and ill try posting soon and id like it if you guys commented and told me what to fix.

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