Chapter 17 - Little One

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Morris Cesantio

"What makes you come here this dawn?" Chris asked me but I'm not in the mood to talk. Yesterday I can't sleep , my body is completely burned in anger

I put on my boxing gloves , plugged my earphones and started my training 3 in the morning. I began my training alone without my trainer.

I'm so mad until I can't contain it anymore. I need to let out my anger and this is my only way.

After she walked away with her boyfriend , I walked back to them and I saw she's sitting on his lap kissing. Tim saw my face and he knew about it right away. He said that I should take his advice

I walked to the shooting section. Put earcover and began to shoot at the target. Call me crazy but I wasted 500 bullets to let out my anger.

"What's wrong with you?" Matt suddenly pulled my earcover and I turned to him

"None of your business" I said and walked away

"You found out huh?" Matt asked and I froze in place. I turned to him and he walked to me

"She race" My eyes widen and how did he know?

"Ian is my friend , she mentioned her once to me. I saw her racing once without her knowing" He continued

"It's dangerous and you let her?"

"I have a lot my friends there , they're watch her for me. They always report about it to me" I scoffed

"Ian is her boyfriend" I stated and Matt laughed

"Ian is a playboy , he likes to stick with her but he won't have a girlfriend soon" What?!

"You're jealous huh? Go get her if you're jealous , don't just stand here and do nothing" He said

"I said I don't want to have a-"

"Then let her be with Ian , what's the big deal? You wasted 500 bullets and boxing 3 hours nonstop because you're angry. You're suppose to be happy for her if you don't want a relationship with her"

"Do you regret it?" I asked him and he chuckled

"Not being with Cailey?" He asked and I nodded

"Of course I regret it , she's happy with Greg now. I can't do anything. I spend almost a year regreting about it.. but I can't take her back. It's already belong to someone else" Matt said and I sighed

"If you don't want it , learn to let go. Ian is a good guy is she's really in a relationship with him" My anger boiled again when I heard his name

"In 2 weeks she already got a boyfriend. Unbelievable. He must asked her to slept with him" My hand turned into a fist

"You know she's not a girl like that Morris , you know her more than everyone else. You were always around her , be with her and just never left her" Matt said and I ran my hands through my hair

"There's a event tonight , don't make a fuss and control your anger Morris" Matt patted my shoulder and walked away. I walked to the pull up bar and do a pull up

"Morning!" I heard Crystal entered

"Hey Morris" She greeted

"Hey" I said suddenly her phone rings. I got down and drank my water.

"Hey Autumn" My body froze when I heard her name

"I'm at the base , nahh I can't , there's only Morris and Matt here , you won't come here? , ohh okay , you will go tonight right? , let's go to the salon together , okay.. yeah.. Lunch? With your dad? Okay then.. see you at the salon" She said and ended the call

"Ian is not her boyfriend" Crystal stated suddenly


"She's going to kill me but Ian is not her boyfriend.. you know Morris , she likes you and have been so frustrated it about it.. you're a jerk" Crystal said

"That's what I said" Matt suddenly joined

"Shut up you two , you both don't know anything" I said coldly

"You're such a jerk" Crystal said

"Thanks" I said

"You too" Crystal said to Matt

"What did I do?" Matt asked innocently and she walked away

"Go away" I said to Matt

"I need this" He took the weight in front of me , he laughed and left

I sat on one of the weightlifting machine and sighed. I took out my phone and scrolled my contacts. I stopped at Autumn's name.. I saved her number as Little One

Now I'm battling with my heart and my brain to call her. My finger pressed it , I put my phone to my ear

Damn she rejected it..

I tried again and she rejected it again.. I'm so frustrated until I slammed my phone to the ground. I'm so damn mad

I walked out from the base and decided to drive to Autumn's house. I got in and saw Archer walk out from the house with a sports attire. He's going to the base

"What's up?" Archer asked

"Where's your sister?"

"Upstairs" He said and he stopped me suddenly

"What are you doing?"

"We both need to talk" I said and he raised his eyebrows

"Is your parents home?" I asked

"No they just got out from the house for work" He said and I smiled. I patted his cheek and ran into his house

I ran to Autumn's room and at the same time she walked out from the room. Her eyes widen when she saw me , I pulled her to her room and immediately pushed her to the wall and kissed her

She tried to push me but no can't do little one..

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