Chapter 10 - Protecting Her

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Autumn North

"I got your back" I jumped a little as Morris suddenly sneak beside me

"You scared me" I turned to him and he smiled

"Be careful , our dads are sneaky" He said as he looked around us. He suddenly stood up and shot someone



"You got him?" I asked

"No not yet" He said and he looked around us. He took my hand and pulled me to another place by running. Someone shot at us but thank God we didn't get shot

"I'll make sure you won't get shot" He said

"Morris this is not a movie" I said and he chuckled , he ruffled my hair and I glared at him

"Where are you going?" He hold me

"I'm going somewhere else" I said

"I'm sticking with you whether you like it or not beautiful" He said and I turned to him completely not understanding his attitude these days. I sat down on the ground and leaned to the barrier behind us. He sat beside me

"You know we can't be like this right?" I said and we both looked at each other

"Like what?"

"It's called attraction Morris" I said and he looked at me without any expression. Suddenly someone shoot at our barrier

"Nicholas and Aaron at the back" Axel suddenly ran to us

"Do you know who died already?" I asked

"Your mom , Sophia and Hailey" Axel said and I face palmed because we only eleminate the moms not the dads. They're more skill than us , they hold a gun often more than us

"I'm going" I said and quickly ran away from the barrier that I'm in earlier. I saw someone behind the tree about 7 metres from my place. I began to hunt my prey now.

"Come on" I mumbled , I saw he or she move

"Boom" I squealed as someone pulled me away , I fell down and I turned my head to see Morris got the paintbullet for me but he shot.. Mom?

"Mom?" I asked

"Well you save my daughter" She said and I quickly got up. I pulled Morris's arm to see his front side. There's a pain bullet on his chest and I looked at him

"I told you" He said

"You're unbelievable"

"Got you Axel" My mom shot Axel from the side and then she aimed me

"Sorry honey.. mommy loves you" She shot me too and then she ran away. I pouted

"How come she's not died yet?" I asked

"She shot me first" Morris said

"Shot me to be exact and you came"

"I told you I'll protect you" He repeated and I hissed

"I don't need you" I started to walk away and I knew that he follow me from the back. We walked back to the starting point since me and Morris are done. I put the gun down so was Morris. He suddenly helped me to take off my outfit and I decided to help him too

"Come here" He took my wrist and pulled me somewhere

"What are you doing?" I asked , he pinned me to the wall and leaned to me so close

"Morr- Morris" I suttered

"I don't know what the frick is this but I bet you felt it too" He said and I can smell his cologne. I love his manly scent.. it's making me wanting to get closer to him

"Get off me" I pushed him lightly

"I don't want to"

"So you're going to stay-" He crashed his lips to mine and cupped my face. I kissed him back and damn it felt so good. I put my hands on his waist pulling him closer closing the gap between us

His hands went to my back hugging me closer and kissing me deeper. It got more intense and intense. I need to stop this before this go far..

"Stop" I said pushing him

"That was.." He looked at me with that blue eyes

"This is crazy" I said

"Give me more" He leaned but I hold him on his chest

"No-oh" I looked at his face and saw my lipstick on his lip. I wiped it quickly before it stays there

"Give me more Autumn" He said and I glared

"Get off" I pushed him and walked away

"Let's do it next time" He walked beside me and I'm speechless. I took out the key from my pocket to open the locker to get my stuff.

"You got shot?" Morris asked his dad

"Yeah.. Daniel" Ha?! He got shot by his own son

"Nice.. I love the bet though dad" Morris said cause he's right. The bet was really good.. it involved our training time , pocket money and new place to hangout.

"Yeah you love it but we're not so we need to win" Parent vs Kid here.. I wonder who will win. I walked to the locker to get my stuff and I felt Morris backhugged me

"What are you doing?" I asked angrily

"Give me more beautiful" He said and why is he so clingy right now?

"Get off me Morris or I'll elbow you and kick your precious jewels" I said in a really cold tone

"Babe , if you kick there we can't make babies" That's it , I elbowed his stomach and he groaned in pain

"Why did you do that?"

"I'm a girl with my words Morris" I took out my bag and slung it to my shoulder

"You're being mean"

"I'm always mean.. and that's for kissing me too" I said smirking at him

"Don't give me that look cause I want to attack you here right now this second.. go" He said and I quickly walked out from that before we both get into trouble again

"Dad?" I saw my dad got shot 3 times on the chest , arm and his back. I laughed looking at him and he sat beside Max sadly

"Who shot you?"

"Dylan , Matthew and Brandon. Completely got attack by the Lemiere" He sighed and I laughed

"Why do they always skill when it comes to guns?" Max said

"Shit!" I turned my head to see Nicholas walked to us with a body full of paintballs

"Who?" My dad and Max asked sadly

"My kids" I laughed.. oh I love my squad so bad

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