Chapter Twenty-Eight: Date Night

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Sergio took a deep breath and smoothed out his suit, he was a little excited about having Camille to himself for a few hours; he had asked her out to dinner and he was sure that it was a step in the right direction for them.

Things had been calm since he had asked Camille to marry him and Sergio didn't care what anyone else thought about their engagement; he was happy and so was Camille, that was what mattered.

They would wait a little while before the announcement was made that they were getting married and he was sure that the news would be received well.

Isabel was at home with a nanny for the evening and Sergio was relieved that she had settled down well before he and Camille had left the house for their date.

Camille carefully climbed out of the car after him, she was a little nervous about their date and she was glad that they were taking things slow instead of just rushing into wedding planning.

Sergio couldn't resist taking her hand as they started to walk towards the restaurant, he liked being able to do things like this now and he felt like they were finally making some progress.

He was even planning to break the news of their engagement to his parents in a few weeks' time; he wanted them to be one of the first to know about it.

It hadn't been easy keeping the fact that he was engaged to Camille quiet but Sergio was sure that it was for the best right now especially when only Camille's father and step-mother knew.

Everything was falling into place and Sergio was hoping that he would be able to share the news with more people when the time was right for them.


"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" Sergio asked pressing a kiss to her hand, he had been so sweet since they had sat down and Camille couldn't remember the last time that she had felt so normal.

It had been a while since things had felt like this and Camille couldn't help but be hopeful about the road that they were taking; she was enjoying her time with Sergio.

"You might have mentioned it," Camille replied unable to keep the smile from her face, the teal lace dress that she was wearing wasn't anything special and she felt a little pleased that he liked the dress.

A smile graced Sergio's face, he liked seeing her so at ease and he hoped that they would be able to stay that way; he couldn't imagine anything that might unsettle them both.

"Sergio?" said a voice making the footballer grip a little harder onto Camille's hand as he turned to see Pilar and Xavier just a few feet from them; he hadn't spoken to her since she had told him that she didn't want him around their sons.

Their lawyers had been doing most of the talking and Sergio was hopeful that they would have things sorted out sooner rather than later between them.

Pilar eyed the couple warily from where she stood with Xavier, she was a little surprised to see them on what appeared to be a date; she wasn't entirely sure how to feel about this considering what had happened.

"Pilar. Xavier," Sergio greeted stiffly, he wasn't in the mood for dealing with them right now not after how they had treated him; he just wanted to enjoy his evening with Camille.

There was silence and Camille felt a little uncomfortable being sat near Pilar, she knew the older woman didn't like her and she would be glad that they didn't have to see each other a lot.

Xavier attempted to try and lead Pilar away, they had to get home to the boys and he wasn't interested in speaking with her ex-boyfriend.

Things weren't looking good between them and he was starting to get annoyed with how often things seemed to link back to Sergio.

"The boys have been asking for you," Pilar said gently, she had no idea how things had gotten so bent out of shape and she hated that she had forced things to be this way; she could only hope that this would be over soon.

Sergio couldn't help but glare at Pilar, it wasn't his fault that he couldn't come and see their children; she had been the one that had banned him from seeing them in the first place.

He would have loved to see his sons but that wasn't possible right now with their lawyers involved; he was sure that they would have everything sorted out soon enough.

"I will see them when the lawyers have sorted things out," Sergio stated wanting to put an end to this conversation, he wanted to get back to enjoying his date with Camille.

He could see how uncomfortable she was and he didn't blame her, things had never been easy between them and he doubted that the two women would ever get along after how things had started for them.

There was silence for a moment and it was clear that Pilar wanted to say more, she wanted things to calm down before something happened and she had no control over it.

Her lawyer had warned her that if things weren't sorted out soon then she should expect Sergio to maybe push for full custody of their sons.

"We should go," Xavier insisted grabbing onto Pilar so that he could lead her away, he didn't want people watching them and he knew that he didn't have the best reputation right now.

Everyone was surprised to see that Pilar had taken him back so soon after she had ended things with Sergio; there was even whispers that she had cheated on Sergio with Xavier.

Pilar opened her mouth to protest until she saw the look on Xavier's face, she knew he wasn't fond of being around Sergio and she had a feeling that he would have something to say about this.

Sergio didn't relax until Pilar and Xavier had walked away, he didn't care about what they wanted only that he could see and spend time with his sons.

"He gives me the creeps," Camille murmured softly, she didn't know what it was about Pilar's boyfriend that set her on edge but he seemed quite controlling and she could only imagine what he was like to live with.

Sergio smiled at her words, he could understand why she was saying that and he didn't blame her; he often got the feeling that there was something more to Xavier than he was admitting.

The last thing that Sergio wanted was for anything to happen to Junior or Marco, he wanted what was best for them and he would never forgive Pilar if something happened to them because of her.

"My parents want to have dinner with us," Sergio said gently, he wasn't sure about the meeting considering how dismissive his mother still was about Isabel but he hoped that she would come around before he told her about their engagement.

He wanted his parents to both be there when he married Camille, he wanted all his family there when it happened but he had a feeling that wasn't going to be possible.

Camille nodded her head, she wasn't sure how to feel about having dinner with his parents especially considering how much she had heard that his mother disliked her.

There was no telling how Paqui would react to the news that Camille and Sergio were going to be married; it wasn't likely to go down well and that worried her.

Paqui had only really visited once and that was when Isabel had been born, the two women hadn't talked but the tension had been difficult to bare.

Sergio would want his family at their wedding, that much Camille understood she just hoped that they wouldn't have anymore trouble.

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