Chapter Three: Arriving in Milan

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Stepping off the plane, Camille couldn't help but check her phone for any messages from her father; she was almost disappointed that it was completely silent with no news of how things were at home. 

Her aunts had been coming to dinner and Camille guessed that they would be told about her pregnancy by then; she couldn't imagine what they would think when they found out. 

Shaking her head, Camille forced a smile to her face knowing that there would be paparazzi around watching them; she didn't need people guessing that something wasn't right. 

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Camille started towards the car not wanting to linger about; she might have been a princess but she wanted to stay out of the public eye right now. 

The last thing that Camille ever wanted was for her pregnancy to become front page news while she was just eight weeks pregnant; she doubted that it would end well if they knew that she was going to have a baby right now. 

Marcus followed after Camille, he was hopeful that the trip would prove to be a good distraction for the two of them; in a matter of months' things were going to change and probably get a little crazy. 

The media were going to have a field day when it came out that Camille was going to have a baby; they had no idea yet what was going to happen when it came to the father of Camille's unborn child. 

They didn't need the backlash that would come from the fact that Camille didn't know who he was or where she would be able to find him.

 They were just going to have find a way to find out who the father was and some way to figure out what he was going to do; they didn't need people selling stories about how they were the father of her unborn child.


Camille was almost relieved to step into her hotel suite when they had arrived at the hotel, she was exhausted from the trip and she just wanted to relax a little; she had no idea what would happen for the match tomorrow. 

It was crazy to think that her life was about to change but she was expected to carry on like her wasn't about to change forever; she had no idea what was going to happen before then and that scared her even more.

Moving to sit down, Camille wondered just what sort of life her child was going to have as a royal bastard; she feared for them and she wished that she had some way of ensuring that her child would be safe. 

"A message just arrived from your father," Marcus murmured when they were alone, he didn't want anyone overhearing them talk and he hoped that this wasn't going to be a problem. 

Camille looked at him concerned, it was odd that Albert hadn't contacted her directly and she was worried about what was going to happen now. 

"Your aunts have been told of the situation," Marcus said even if it wasn't new information, he couldn't imagine what Caroline and Stéphanie would have to say about the situation that Camille had found herself in. 

They had never approved of her half-siblings and there was no doubt this would upset them even more; Camille was frightened about what they might have said. 

"How did they take it?" Camille asked needing to know what to expect when she returned home, she didn't want her aunts to disown her for what had happened. 

She knew how upset they would be and she regretted her actions now but there was nothing that Camille could do; she was going to be a mother for the first time in January.

"As expected," Marcus replied with a shrug of his shoulders, he doubted that they would be pleased but at least Camille was stepping up for her child; the infant would want for nothing when they were growing up. 

The only thing that Camille's baby would never be able to have was a royal title, they were to be a bastard unless Camille married their father and he doubted that was going to happen. 

Camille took a deep breath, she had no idea what was going to happen now but she couldn't avoid her aunts forever; she was sure they'd have something to say about the mess that she was in. 

"Do you think we'll be okay?" Camille asked gently resting a hand on her bump, she was worried that things were going to be when the baby was born. 

Already she knew that the baby would have no rights to a royal title and Camille wasn't sure what else her child would be discounted from. 

"I know you will... your father would never let anything happen to you or baby," Marcus insisted, her father was one of the wealthiest royals in the world with assets valued at more than $1 billion, which included land in Monaco and France; there was no way that his first grandchild would miss out. 

Camille nodded her head, she wished that she could be more certain about the future; everything was so up in the air and she feared the unknown. 

Albert had reassured her as much as he could but he would have to meet with his council to speak about this soon; the pregnancy would be announced and there would be no hiding this from the world. 

There was also the situation of tracking down the father before the news broke, they had to have him at least identified so that people couldn't claim to be the father.


Sergio Ramos took a deep breath as he said goodnight to Pilar Rubio, he kissed her softly and shut the door behind her wanting to get some sleep; there was going to be a long day ahead of him tomorrow. 

The fact that Real Madrid were in another Champions League final was amazing and Sergio was thrilled to lead the team to this; he had never thought they would have another chance at the trophy in three years. 

Things had been pretty tense recently and Sergio was almost relieved that things had started to settle down; he was just happy to have some moments to himself. 

Running his fingers through his hair, Sergio moved towards his bed so that he could get comfortable; he wanted to relax before going to sleep. 

Sergio took a deep breath, he was glad that things had calmed down between him and Pilar; they'd been arguing a lot recently and it had lead them to both make mistakes in the past few months. 

He regretted his way of lashing out and he had hated himself even more for upsetting Pilar in such a way; they had built a wonderful life together and he had nearly ruined it. 

Sergio had no idea what they had argued about on his birthday but he had gone out and done something that he couldn't forgive; he had gotten drunk and left the club with another woman. 

It still made him feel ill that he had gone and slept with another woman just to upset Pilar; he didn't even know why he had done it. 

Then again he did, Pilar had kissed her ex-boyfriend and it had really pissed him off especially since she'd had dinner with the man and neglected to share that with him until after it had happened. 

The only reason that Sergio had found out about it was because one of her friend's had mentioned it and after their fight Pilar had completely refused to come and celebrate his birthday with him. 

Shaking his head, Sergio laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling; he considered himself lucky that his one-night stand hadn't gone running to the press with her story.

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