Chapter One: The Positive Test

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"This cannot be happening to me," Camille Grimaldi breathed staring down at the positive pregnancy test that sat in her hands, her stomach turned at the thought that she was going to have a baby. 

This was the last thing that Camille had expected when she'd gone out to a club without telling anyone, it was meant to be one night of fun that had changed her life in the most serious of ways. 

"It's like a family tradition," Marcus St. Claire mused with a smile, it was no secret that her father had two bastards of his own and that it was almost expected someone else in the family would screw up. 

Camille glared at him, that was not helping and she knew that he was only trying to help but right now she needed ideas on how she was going to deal with this. 

She was going to be in so much trouble when she told her father that she had gotten pregnant by a complete stranger; Camille wasn't sure how anyone would take this when it got out. 

"You know that you could always terminate," Marcus murmured hating to bring it up, it would cause an even greater backlash if it was ever discovered that she had terminated a pregnancy in secret. 

Camille looked at him and shook her head, she would never be able to go through something like that when there was nothing wrong with the baby; the only reason that she was so worried was this wasn't going to be easy. 

She was Princess Camille of Monaco, Duchess of Valentinois, eldest daughter of Albert II of Monaco and there was no way that her pregnancy was going to go unnoticed. 

There was going to be a complete nightmare and Camille could only hope that her father and step-mother would be supportive when she told them what was going on.

"Do you know who the father is?" Marcus asked regretting letting Camille get away from him that night, he was meant to keep her out of trouble and here she was knocked up with little idea on what was going to happen next. 

Camille looked up from what she was doing and chewed on her lip, she really wished that she had been more careful and had more idea about who the possible father was. 

"His name was Sergio," Camille said feeling so stupid, it had been a one night stand and she hadn't thought much about getting the guy's details when they had slept together. 

Hell Camille knew that they had used protection when they had done the deed but it hadn't stopped her from getting pregnant to a complete stranger. 

Marcus groaned wondering how many men there were in Spain called Sergio, he doubted that it would be easy to track him down and he hoped that they would be able to find the father before the baby was born.

The last thing they needed was a load of royal wannabes trying to get Camille to marry them so that they could live a royal life by claiming they were the baby's father.

"I know it's not helpful," Camille mumbled hating that she didn't have more to go on, she knew what the guy looked like but that wouldn't help her track him down. 

It wasn't like she could wander around Madrid searching for the man that had fathered her child, she knew next to nothing about him and there was no telling what she might find. 

Marcus took a deep breath, it was still early in Camille's pregnancy and he knew that they had a while before the baby was due; he just hoped that her father wasn't going to make this harder on her than it needed to be. 

It wasn't going to be easy announcing that Camille had followed in his footsteps and had a baby on the way and she had no idea who the father was; it was only going to make this news harder to take.


Knocking on the door before her, Camille tried to mentally prepare herself for what she was about to do; she was in no way ready to share this news with her father but there was one person that she could talk to. 

She had lost her mother when she was just a little girl and it had taken a long time to get used to the woman that had replaced her mother in her father's life; a fact that she had doubted for a long time. 

Stepping into the room, Camille made sure to curtsy to Charlene, Princess of Monaco who had been curled up on a couch reading a book while the twins took a nap.

Charlene looked up almost surprised to see her eldest step-daughter, she hadn't been expecting her and she sat up instantly; things had been hard for them in the beginning but they had bonded in recent years something that made her very happy. 

"Camille," Charlene greeted with a small smile, it was nice to actually get along with Camille now instead of wondering what the younger woman might try to do to ruin things for her this time. 

Camille wouldn't deny that she had been horrid to Charlene in the early years of the woman dating her father; she had hated her because she stole him away from spending time with her. 

"I was wondering if I could talk to you," Camille asked softly, she peeked at the servants around the room knowing that the last thing that she needed was for them to spread the news before she was ready for it. 

Charlene nodded her head, she was glad that Camille trusted her enough to come and speak with her; she had worried for years that the brunette would hate her for taking her mother's place. 

Amelia, Princess of Monaco had been loved dearly and it had been a horrible shock to the world when she had died back in 1995 leaving her five-year-old daughter without a mother. 

"You may leave us," Charlene ordered sensing that Camille wished to speak with her alone, she could see how nervous the younger woman looked and she guessed it must be serious.

The servants that had been lingering around the room left and Camille let out a sigh of relief, she shifted uncomfortably hoping that everything was going to be alright; she had no idea who else she could turn to. 

"I didn't know who else to talk to," Camille whispered making Charlene look at her concerned and pat the seat next to her, she watched as Camille moved to come and sit beside her. 

There was no way that Camille could see herself turning to speak with her aunts, they had always spoke of their disapproval of her half-siblings Jasmin and Alexandre because they had been born out of wedlock and because of her father's affairs. 

Charlene took Camille's hand and offered her a comforting smile, she didn't know what had distressed her so but she was here to help in any way that she could. 

"I'm pregnant," Camille revealed looking down ashamed at her feet, she hated that she had gotten into this mess with no one to really turn to; she didn't know who else she could trust without this getting out to the press. 

Charlene watched as her strong step-daughter burst into tears, her heart broke for her and she wrapped her arms around her knowing that she wasn't going to judge. 

This clearly hadn't been planned and she knew that if it had then Camille wouldn't look so lost; she remembered how she had felt when she had found out that she was expecting twins with her husband. 

Charlene couldn't imagine what was going on inside of Camille's head right now but she was sure that there was something that she could do; Albert was going to be disappointed when he found out about this. 

The two were silent while Camille wept about what was happening, she had no idea what the future could hold.

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