Expect The Unexpected

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"No amount of thought can ever reveal what comes unexpectedly."

~Arthur Erickson

We pulled up to a fancy restaurant that I couldn't pronounce the name of.

I'd been here before, but it had been a long time ago for one of my parents ridiculous dinner parties for work. I had also only been about eight at the time, so everything was off limits.

"Ty, you can't afford-"

"You payed me, Alyssa. Don't you remember?" He offered me a smile as he shut the car off. I returned the smile, ducking my head as I climbed out of the car. I opened up the back door and took Tessie out, setting her on the ground beside me.

"Don't forget Rainbow." She whispered, holding out her arms for the stuffed unicorn. I grabbed it, along with her bag, and unzipped it. I went through her few items, pulling out the few allergy medicine Mrs. Wells had packed.

"Gramma said that I stay with Daddy tonight." Tessie whispered as I took her small hand and led her around the front of the car to meet Ty.

"Really? That's great!" I replied, smiling down at her. She nodded, hugging Rainbow tightly against her.

"Yeah. I like your house better then Gramma's. It's big." I laughed, ruffling her hair as we walked into the restaurant. The woman at the front looked up, grimaced at the sight of Tessie, then looked at Ty.

"Reservation?" She question.

"Tyler Wells." The woman looked over some sort of list before nodding and gesturing for us to follow her. Once we reached our booth in the back, she laid three menu's down in front of us.

"The waitress will be right with you." Then she stalked off, shaking her head to herself.

"Bitch." I muttered before I could stop myself. Ty gave me an amused look, but Tessie frowned across the table at me.

"I can't read this, Ally. What food is there?" I took the menu from her and looked it over, shaking my head when I didn't see anything related to kids.

"How about you and me share the spaghetti. You like spaghetti, right?" I asked her. She nodded, grinning so big I saw that another one of her teeth must have fallen out.

"Yeah! And we get the yummy breadsticks too." I nodded in agreement, patting my stomach.

"Do you have baby in there?" Tessie asked, sitting up so she could see over the table. I laughed at her expression, rubbing my stomach.

"No, sweetie. I'm still too young to have a baby. I'm just hungry." She crossed her arms over her chest, looking confused.

"Mommy was little when she had me. Daddy too. They were littler then you." I swallowed, realizing just how dry my throat was, as I stared at the four year old girl across from me.

"Well, I think I'm too young to have a baby, sweetie." She sighed, laying a hand on her forehead dramatically.

"But if you have Daddy's baby, then that means you are my Mommy." I could see Ty reach up to cover his mouth, obviously trying to hide the fact that he was amused by his daughter's behavior.

"And I get to be big sister!" She exclaimed, cutting me off before I could respond. I stared at the little girl for a minute, surprised that she was staring right back with just as much curiosity.

"Tessie." Ty finally spoke up, still sounding as if he were about to start laughing, "Ally doesn't need a baby right now, because she's got you." Tessie still looked confused.

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