A Family To Love

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"Family isn't always blood. It's the people who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are; the ones who'd do anything to see you smile & who love you no matter what."


My eyes darted back and forth between Ty and Tessie as they made faces at each other in the middle of the diner.

Once we had made sure all the kids had gotten a gift and heard some of their stories, we left with a promise of coming back soon and changed quickly in the bathrooms. By the time we had made it out to the car, Tessie was going on about how hungry she was. Ty and I, thankfully, had been starving as well.

"Hello there! I'm Angela and I'll be taking your waitress tonight. What can I get you?" The bubbly woman beside the table said, a big grin on her face as she pulled a pen from behind her hear and looked between the three of us.

"I'll take a Monte Cristo and a hot chocolate please." I answered, closing my menu and looking across the table at Ty. His eyebrow was drawn in concentration as he looked down at the menu, almost squinting. I turned to Tessie beside me when he didn't answer and smiled.

"What do you want, sweetie?" She pointed at the big happy face pancake, smiling up at the waitress.

"I want this one and chocolate milk." I saw Ty get ready to protest, probably because all the sugar, but I sent him a look that shut him up before he could even start.

"And you, sir?" The waitress, Angela, said with a small smile.

"I'll just take whatever the special is today and a coffee." She grinned once more before turning around and returning to the kitchen.

"Ty, can you do me a favor and read this out loud to me." I pushed a menu in front of him, pointing at what came with one of the meals.

"Alyssa, I don't-"

"Can you read it?" I repeated, cutting him off. He sighed, rubbing his temples as he shut his eyes and shook his head.

"No, all right? It's blurry and gives me a damn headache." He snapped, his eyes shooting open so I could see his glare. I knew it wasn't directed toward me, but I still felt myself wince a little.

"Well, once your mom picks Tessie up again and-"

"I don't want to go home with, Gramma." Tessie cut me off mid-sentence, her green eyes huge as she looked at me.

"I want to stay with Daddy." She went on when neither of us answered.

"Tessie." I took her small hand in mine and smiled down at her, "Daddy and Ally have some big grown up stuff to do today, we have to go places that little kids can't go to. But you'll get to see Daddy tomorrow, okay?" She sighed, pressing her hand against her forehead and sighing.

"I guess." She mumbled. Ty was frowning, looking a little confused himself.

Angela came back a few minutes later with our drinks, also setting down a coloring page and crayons in front of Tessie who immediately started coloring.

"Thank you." I said.

"Not a problem," Angela replied, "You've got a cutie here, about as old as mine at home." Before I could explain that Tessie wasn't mine, she walked away, throwing her black hair into a bun on her way back to the kitchen.

I could feel warmth in my cheeks, not exactly thrilled to look back at Ty, I was afraid to see how he was reacting to the accidental compliment. To my surprise, he was laughing, eyes glistening with amusement.

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