Chapter 11

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Lucy and Susan looked amazing in their dresses. I had made some changes to mine and my crown was firmly on my head. My dress was now Gold and silver and it looked as if it was constantly changing. We walked down the stairs and Stark, Peter and Edmund were looking at us and their mouths fell open. Stark came over to me his eyes glowing with pride. he grabbed my left hand and as a real gentleman kissed it. "You look amazing" He told me. "Nea can I ask you something?" "Yes Stark you can" I told him. "Will you be my girlfriend? I know it's fast and sudden but I really like you and I really think it would work." "Wasn't that kiss enough to make it official? Yes Stark I would love to be your girlfriend. But know what you're getting into" I told him. He took my face into his hands. "Linnea Redbird I promise to love you until the end of time and even then I wouldn't stop loving you. You've told me your secrets and I will tell you mine. I don't care what you put us through I will do my best to help you." I had tears in my eyes at the end of his little speech and I kissed him. "Your Majesty I really hate to break this up. But you have to walk in first and sit on the throne that's in the middle with your crown on it" Aslan told me. I turned towards him. "I'm still not sure if I can do this" I told him honestly. "Hey once the coronation is over you will have us to help you" Lucy told me. "You're right" I sighed. I took a couple cleansing breaths and walked into the throne room. I sat on the throne. Everybody was bowing. "Arise please" I told all of them. They did and Aslan and Stark walked in followed by the Pevensies. Stark stood at my right hand and there was a gap on my left hand next to that was Susan her throne and after hers came Lucy's. Next to Stark was Peter and after him was Edmund. When the Beavers arrived with the crowns I stood up and walked over to them. I took the silver male crown and walked over to Edmund. Aslan did his say and named him King Edmund the Just and I put the crown on his head saying "Trust yourself to make the right and Just decision whenever it is adked of you." Next I took the silver female crown and walked over to Lucy. Aslan crowned her Queen Lucy the Valliant and when I placed the crown on her head I said "Don't ever be scared again because Aslan and I will always be with you in your heart." I walked back, took the gold male crown and walked over to Peter. Aslan named him King Peter the Magnificent and crowning him I said. "Never forget what you did for Narnia and Narnia will never forget what you did for them." Now I took the golden female crown and walked over to Susan which Aslan gave the title Queen Susan the Gentle. "I told you before now I'm telling you again. Battles are ugly affaires but sometimes they are necessary. Do whatever feels right deep in your heart." Finally I grabbed the male gold and silver crown and walked over to Stark. Aslan named him High King Stark the Strong of Heart. Son of Nyx. "Thank you for everything you did for me but most of all for Narnia. Listen to your heart, rule with justice, be strong when others are falling apart but most of all protect those who need protection." I turned to the crowd. "I'm not saying we will be perfect leaders because there is no improvement without fault. But we will promise you that we will do the best we can to make the right and just decisions. Now let us celebrate fully the new freedom as well as your new leaders with food, wine and dance."

After the party had ended I walked to the beach sat down and stared at the waves. I felt someone sitting behind me and hugging me from behind. "Why are you here all by yourself?" "I just wanted to think" I told Stark. "Everything went by so fast, it's so overwhelmingly. I barely had time to process it. Stark I can feel myself spiralling down and I'm scared not of my queen role but of myself. I've seen what I can do and I'm afraid I will do it again. "Hey don't worry I'm here to help you remember?" He told me softly. "Stark this addiction isn't something I will grow out of I will have to keep fighting this forever." I told him. "I don't care. I will be strong when you're falling apart. I'll do everything it takes to keep on helping you never doubt that" he told me holding me close. "Thank you" I whispered to him. We sat in silence for a while. Suddenly I heard a soft snoring sound and the arms fell away from my waist. I chuckled of course he would fall asleep. I made a fire to keep him warm and changed into a Lioness. I curled up around him and drifted off to sleep.

I awoke to Peter and Edmund yelling Stark and my name. "Shit" I muttered under my breath and yelled back: "Over here guys I'm sorry we came here to talk but ended up falling asleep here as well." "Well thank Aslan you're safe. You guys had us worried there." Peter told us. "I'm sorry Peter. Let's just head back to the castle" Stark said. And so we did.

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