Chapter 10

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Once we arrived everything went very quickly. I killed the witch just when Aslan and Susan came back with reinforcement. Within ten minutes the other army had been overpowered and was forced to surrender. Aslan and I unfreezed all those from our side who had been petrified. And Lucy healed those who were severely injured.

On our way to Cair Paravel, Lucy and Stark told everybody about my 'heroic' deed. When Peter, Susan and most of all Edmund heard what I had done they were shocked. "Why would you do that for me? You barely know me" Edmund asked me. "Because you've got a good soul. You deserve your second chance. You may have made mistakes but you also tried to safe people. Learn from your mistakes Edmund and don't forget who you are no matter how dark the times may be." When I finished my speech tears were clearly in his eyes but he wiped them away quickly. "Don't be scared to show your emotions. Just-Prince they show us that you care. And there is nothing wrong with caring" I told him. He gave me a hug. "Thank you" He told me. "You're welcome." Then Peter came up to me "Thank you. I know that you've made the biggest sacrifice you could ever make and I'm sorry for that. I salute you for your courage" He said and bowed deeply to me with tears in his eyes. "Please rise. You guys feel like family to me. Something I haven't had in a really long time" I turned to Susan "Gentle Susan what troubles you? I know all the violence has taken its toll on you but please don't worry about it too much. Wars are ugly affaires but sometimes they are necessary." "I know. I just can't believe you would sacrifice youself for someone just like that." I was about to reply when Stark said: "She's honouring her title. She is Queen of Everything Linnea, The Selfless. Remember?" "Yeah I guess" Susan said. "Guys what I did was not that much of a big deal. Besides the prophesy said I would make that sacrifice. Help the Just escape his fate, remember. Edmund is the Just the prophesy was talking about. I knew I had to go back because the prophesy wasn't finished yet." They just stared at me. We walked in silence for about half an hour when Lucy and Stark almost fell over from exhaustion, because they hadn't really slept that much last night. I changed to a lioness and told them to get on my back. They obliged and soon they were out like a light. A little while later a faun joined us and after bowing to us he introduced himself as Tumnus. "Thank you for helping Lucy" I told him nodding my head in acknowledgment. "I felt terible about trying to kidnap her and I  thought maybe the prophesy was happening and I didn't want me to be the reason it didn't. Is it true what they say your Majesty? You really sacrificed yourself for king Edmund?" He askes me. "Yes dear Faun it is." We had reached the castle and everybody stood aside to let us go in first. Peter and Susan woke up Lucy and Stark so they could take everything in. "It's beautiful!" Lucy said completely in awe. "It is" Stark confirmed equally awed. We joined Alsan at the gates. "Are you ready your Majesties?" He asked us. I changed back into a girl. We looked at each other held hands and as one walked inside the gates. Realisation hit me. Everything had felt so surreal to that point and now reality hit me hard. I would never die. I would see everyone I cared about die, my twin sister , my grandma, the Pevensies and Stark. I collapsed. And the last thing I felt before I passed out was Stark his strong arms catching me just before I hit the ground.

When I woke up I was in a strange bed. I looked around and came to the conclusion that I was inside the castle. "Oh thank Aslan you're awake!" Lucy exclaimed when she walked in. "She's awake?!" I heard Stark say enthusiastically. He came rushing in and stood at the end of the bed looking all serious. "Next time you decide to collapse warn me, next time I might not catch you in time." "I know I'm sorry" I told him. His serious expression changed into one of happiness. He gave me a hug. "I'm just happy you're alright. You scared me." "I'm sorry" I told him again. I tried to get out of bed but Stark pushed me back down. "Don't I don't want you to faint again." "She won't" I heard Aslan say from the doorway. "Your Majesty could you help Lucy and Susan to get ready please. The coronation is this afternoon" Aslan asked me. "Yes ofcouse. What form do you want me to be in?" I asked. "That's completely up to you daughter" he said and left the room. "It's probably wise for you to change into another outfit as well" I told Stark. "Yes I'll get changed in a minute." He wanted to talk to me alone I could tell. "Lucy why don't you go find Susan and make a run for the kitchen to get something to eat for us I'm starving" I asked her. "Yeah sure" She said and left the room giving me a quick wink behind Stark's back. "I felt your panic just before you fainted. I felt your despair. That's why I saw you fall to the ground and was able to catch you how is that possible?" Stark asked me coming straight to the point. I listened to my gut and said: "Stark when we met did you feel a kind of connection between us? The feeling like you had known me for years. That's because our souls recognise each other. We're soulmates." "But how?" He asked me. "I don't know Stark" I told him honestly. Suddenly his lips were on mine and I froze for a few seconds before I kissed him back. The kiss was sweet and passionate. It was him and me in that moment. Suddenly we heard Susan clear her throat and Stark jumped in surprise. "Uhm well I'd better get changed" he said while giving me a quick kiss and hurrying out the door. "So what dresses are you gonna wear this afternoon?" I asked Susan and Lucy. "Oh no you won't get off the hook that easy. Tell us everything!" Susan demanded.

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