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Chapter 14

Riley's pov

"He has a girlfriend, does he? Let's hope she is the chosen one. We can't risk him having stray children", I heard a male voice.

It was about an hour after I'd gotten home from my adventure with Casey. I had fallen asleep after mom scolded me for almost 30 minutes and grounded me. She knew she didn't have much power on me and that was frustrating her.

I absolutely loved my outing with Casey. Being with him was just so refreshing. I couldn't imagine how it would be if he lost his memory and didn't remember me or the things we'd done. He was my best friend.

That night though, it had felt like we were more than friends, and that felt great. I didn't know where we were going initially, but as we got closer to the water, I could actually sense it, the serenity of it. I just knew I wanted to take Casey there. I didn't regret it one bit.

I opened my eyes slowly, choosing to focus on what I'd heard. It was dark, but I could tell that there was no one in the room. The voice had sounded so close. I was about to get off the bed when I heard something else.

"I did tell you he would get out of that coma, didn't I? He's not human, he never was. The time is so close I can feel it. Oh power, what every Darkener dreams about! I can feel it already. It's hard work being someone's gardener, especially someone who is inferior. Isadora throws fits every now and then, if I was not there, she would have completely lost it, very impatient woman. I know just how she feels. We had almost lost hope of ever finding him", I heard the same voice.

"He lost his memory, I doubt he knows how to use his powers or that he even has them", a female voice said.

That voice was familiar. It was the same voice that woke me up every morning. It was my mother! That was definitely Emily Linley.

There were only two possible explanations to the mystery. One, I was dreaming. Two, the conversation was taking place at that moment and my powers included extra-hearing.

"Trust me, he will remember. Nothing can ruin our moment now", the male voice said.

There was no time to sit and listen to the conversation; I had to see the owner of the male voice. There was a problem; I did not know where the conversation was taking place. The extra-hearing power was new to me and I did not know how to control it. I decided to go to the kitchen. I walked right into a conversation.

"Riley, I thought you were sleeping. Your dinner is in the microwave", mom said as soon as I entered.

"I'm not hungry. Who is our guest?" I asked looking at the man she was talking to earlier.

He was seated on one of the kitchen chairs. He could not be more than 50 years old. He was a bit brown, with an oval face. I did not fail to see the bushy eyebrows or the centimeter-long "z" scar on the face. This was the guy who visited my mother regularly, only to disappear moments before I got home. He was the guy I'd followed the other day, the one behind the enchanting tall gate.

"Oh, this is Mr. Carnicer, he lives just down the street", she replied. "This is the young man I was telling you about", she said to the man.

I knew she was lying. It was easy to tell. For one, she refused to meet my eye. "Mr. Carnicer" did not live down the street.

"You are a really strong young man", the man said to me.

"How come I have never seen you before?" I asked, making the question seem all innocent.

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