Drowning in my Sorrows

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I stormed into my office, fuming from my encounter with the stubborn wolf. She spoke to me as if I was simply dirt on her shoe, and when she punched me. My hand gently grazed my jawline as I felt the swelling that would soon bruise from her punch. I felt as if I was out of control. I needed to know of the other wolves. I sat at my dark wooden desk that was covered in useless papers and crap I was never going to complete. I raked my brain for a plan. If the others find that my talk with her was unsuccessful, they will confirm me unfit to be leader.

"Awe, you look quite like hell itself." I heard a clear voice in front of me. I snapped my head up to see Liam lounging on the leather sofa casually as if he owned the place.

"Liam, what ever do I owe this wonderful visit?" I huffed sarcastically to the vampire. I despised Liam.

"Oh, brother, don't act so happy to see me," his velvety voice rang out. Liam is my half brother. We shared the same mother but different fathers. Liam was a pure-blooded vampire while I was, something else completely. I never got the chance to meet my father before he was killed. I grew up as a disgrace, not developing correctly in the rubbish vampire community as my brother was, so I left. I was on my own for about a year until I was discovered by the hunters and adopted. The only thing is, I never told them of my vampire side because if they knew, I would be killed.

"Why are you here, Liam?" I scowled at the vampire lounging on my couch.

He used his vampire speed to flash in front of me in an instant, he now was face to face with me. He smiled, "I heard you've caught some wolves." He notified before backing up from my desk and casually walking around the room. He stopped at one of my shelves, examining the little trinkets I kept there. "I am looking for a certain she-wolf," He pronounced as he picked up a small snow globe from the shelf and shook it. "She isn't fully wolf, more of a vampire mix. A hybrid." My eyes widened at the mention of her. I knew exactly whom Liam was talking about. She was a hybrid? My mind fluttered as I thought about the stubborn wolf.

"Nope, the wolves I caught were both male." I lied. I couldn't let go of her now that I knew how rare she was. I also couldn't let anything happen to her. My heart increased as I thought of how vulnerable she was in that wooden cage. I needed to tell my men to stay away from her.

"If you're lying to me, brother..." Liam warned as he turned back to look at me, his eyes dark and serious.

"I'm not... How did you lose this girl to begin with?" I tried changing the subject, sounding curious.

"Our old friend Russell broke her from my grasp and took her far away. When I find her, he will be dead for crossing me." Liam said coldly.

"Haha. Good luck with that brother."

"Of you find her, in one of your silly little wolf traps," Liam began as he set the globe back down. He then rushed to me again, shoving me against a wall and held me by my shirt. "If you find her, brother, you are to notify me immediately. She will not be harmed!" He threatened. My heart sped up at the furiosity of my brother.

"Okay okay chill out." I played it off as he let me down from the wall.

"I'm serious, she is to be safe,"

"I don't even know who the girl is." I lied again.

Liam smiled at me. "I know brother, just be on the lookout for her and Russell."



My eyes shriveled closed as my face was struck by a pounding punch. My brain rattled as Kaden's fist made contact with my fragile cheekbone. My head throbbed from the trauma. I sat chained in a small metal chair in a dark room. The walls were covered in blood splatters from years past of tortures. I hung my head as this blow was not the first and not the last. 

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