8. Gone

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This chapter is in Tyler's POV!


I wake up on the cold hard tile floor of my kitchen. Sunlight blinds me the second I open my eyes. I take in a deep breath, pulling myself up from the floor. My head hurts. Why?

Then it hits me. Memories of last night flood back into my mind. Specifically the part where my own mate slammed me into the floor with a frying pan.


"Alexandra!" I yell into the empty house. I race to my room and rip the sheets from the bed.

When I get a hold of that girl I'm going to... My brain is on overdrive as I stomp around the house. I search every inch of every room for her. I slam doors, breaking them off of their hinges. I finally landed my fist through a wall.

"Alexandra!" I yell out for her.

She is gone.

"Liam." I growl out, anger bubbling in the pit of my stomach. My eyes glow red from rage as my wolf claws into my consciousness. I grab the phone from my office and call for my Beta.

He is here in moments, standing at my office door trying to hide his shock of the damage I have caused to the house. I don't care. My mate is missing and it is that vampire's fault.

"You called, Sir?" Devon asks timidly. He is one of my stronger wolves. He is dressed in a training shirt and athletic shorts, giving me the assumption that he had just come from training.

"Find her." I breathe out.

"Find who, Sir?"

"The girl! Find my mate!" I roar so loudly that the windows shake. Devon shrinks back a step. "She is probably in the hands of that son of a bitch right this second!" I rake my arm across the desk, sending papers flying into the air.

"I will get my best men and begin searching immediately." Devon nods, turning to leave.

"I will join you." I grunt, walking around my desk to follow him.

I yank the door closed behind me.

I promised Alex that I would keep her safe. I follow Devon to the weapons room. If we are going to find Liam, we are going to kill him. My head still throbs from my mate's betrayal last night. I press on the bruise and immediately wince.

How could she be so reckless? She went into the dark forest, alone, unarmed, and without a pack name. Is this girl she is chasing really worth her life?

Updated chapter*

This has always just been a filler chapter, but feel free to let me know what you think so far! 

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