Chapter 15: Get Out

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"If I wasn't making all this money I would ground you," Vermon's mother said. Her face was bright red. "How dare you follow a stranger!"

Vermon sat with her head down. She let her mother lecture her without any backtalk until she finally left the room. When she left, Vermon  closed the door and got onto the floor. She was about the place her hand over the floor when the lights flicked again.

"Vermon, I'm outside of the grave." the whisper said.

She quickly placed her hand onto the floor where she had last time. A powerful wind blew against her face.

"Vermon?" the voice said. It was a male's voice. "Vermon you have to run sweetie. This is daddy. Run."

"Dad!" she said quickly. "Why are you underneath my floor? What happened?" She didn't see that one coming. Why, she lost her dad when she was five.

Jacqueline walked in. She had on a coat. "Get off the damn floor," she said zipping up her coat.

"Where are you going?" Vermon asked.

"We need more milk," she said. "Be right back and I promise if you leave I will use the stick on you."

Vermon nodded. "Okay."

As soon as Jacqueline left, Vermon placed her hand on the floor again. "Hello?" she said, but there was no wind. She felt the floor in many other places but got nothing in return.

Suddenly, something fell from inside of her closet. She opened the closet door and saw the book, "Goodnight Moon," lying on the ground. She picked it up and placed it all the way at the top. That's when she noticed a light green stain on her wall. One she never noticed before. She touched it, wanting to see if it was wet from a water leakage maybe. However, she was shocked when her hair began to flutter from the wind.

"Get out," a deep and slow voice said. It made her heart stop because she did not expect a response coming from behind the wall. 

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