Chapter 13: The Man in the White Suit

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Over twenty-five people thanked Jacqueline at the church. Vermon was there for almost five hours. She had spoken to dead women, men, and children. She was exhausted and wanted to go home and rest. She sat alone outside of the church and watched the cars roll by. Exiting a small corner store was a man dressed in all white. He wore a black hat that rested on his curly mass of hair. He walked towards the church. The closer he got, the more Vermont could see his face. One eye was white with no pupil while the other, dark brown. He had a messy, uneven beard and a pencil mustache. He walked quickly and faced the ground as he did.

He made his way up the stairs to where Vermon sat then took off his hat and lowered it. "Good evening, Vermon, I'm Mr. Sanders," he said. His voice was breathy and he breathed hard after each word as if he was out of breath.

"How do you do?" Vermon asked.

He nodded his head quickly and wiped away invisible sweat off of his forehead. "I'm afraid I will have to ask you for a moment of your time. It's strictly important," he said.

Vermon sighed. "Sorry, you missed it. We're done talking to the dead for today. My mom's inside if you want to schedule with her tomorrow." Normally she would agree, but she was just too tired.

Mr. Sanders smiled nervously while looking the ground. "Gee heaven's no. This is about you, Vermon. I think you should come with me now, for your own safety." He placed his hat back on his head then walked down the stairs. Vermon looked behind her at the closed door, thinking about her mother. Surely VVermon thought she would be gone just a she thought.

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