Chapter 2: Into the Night

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Vermon spent most of her recess sitting on the grass, watching the other kids play. In front of her were two small boys playing basketball. Behind her was a group of girls talking about those boys and how cute they were.

Vermon stretched out her arms behind her. She let out a giggle so loud that the girls behind her take notice. A strong gust of wind threw her hair back, making the girls that were behind her gasp.

"Kill them. Kill them all," the voice in the air said. It was the voice of an old man.

"Why?" Vermon asked. Another gust of wind flew through her hair. The girls behind her started screaming, then they ran away.

"Because they're murderer's." The voice said. "Piper, Pepper, and Lin."

"Piper, Pepper, and Lin." She repeated.

"Come back tonight at 8:45 Pm," the voice said. "I'll show you. Bring someone so they can see."

"If you won't come, I'll just go myself," Vermon said with a pout. She put her fork down and stared at her fish and tomatoes.

"You're eight years old," her mother responded. "I'm not letting you go to school alone at night. Now finish your dinner."

Her mother took her own plate and washed it in the sink. Vermon struggled to eat the soggy fish. She disliked her mother's cooking with a passion. Her food was never as good as her father's when he was alive. After she was done eating, Vermon placed her plate in the kitchen sink then went up to her room. Later around 7:45 she made her mother a cup of tea. Before giving it to her she decided to sneak a sleeping pill inside. Vermon knew well of her mother's pills and she knew this one would put her out cold in five minutes. She mixed stirred it in with the tea.

Vermon walked into her mother's room without knocking but found her to be sleeping with a book on her chest. Vermon quietly placed the tea on the small desk that was next to her mother's bed.

She went into her room, grabbed her coat, an emergency cellphone, some gloves, a flashlight, a watch, and screwdriver for protection. Vermon unlocked the front door and slipped out into the cold night.

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