chapter 19 -Date (edited)

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Walking to the car I felt nervous after all I finally get to go on a date with the guy I have had a crush on since junior school and I couldn't be more happy.

As we get closer to the car Kyle quickly walks in front of me then grabs his car door open on my side and smirks
"You first" he says.
I touch his hand and smile at him and reply "thank you, Sir"
He smirks at me and I finally slowly get into the car due to my pains from Kyle brother
After I got in, he closes the door and drives to a restaurant that about 30 minutes away.
When we arrived and he leans closer to me and says
"Thank you for giving me this chance for this date you won't regret this" he says to me then kisses my hand
I smile at him and say "I would always give you the chance"
He smiles then opens his door then closes it then quickly runs to my side and opens my door and then comes closer to me and takes my hand and helps me out after he locks the car.

We walk into the restaurant and take a table by the window and look at the fancy menu inside their a starter, main and desert
I look at Kyle and smile as I notice that he deep in thought
I decided to have a salad first then a steak dinner along with a cheese cake
While Kyle has a salad as well and has a burger and chips with a chocolate piece of cake and vanilla ice cream.
After we order the starter comes within 10 minute and we began to eat so far I enjoyed the whole salad after we finished the young lady took our food then asked us when we wanted out main of course we wanted it now we were starving after all.
I looked at Kyle again and notice his gone serious again and I felt like I need to break him away from his thought.
I grab his hand and say
"Thank you for rescuing me, I deeply thought I was going to die without you I would of been I am glad it was you who saved me and not some complete stranger" I say
He smiles at me then kisses me hand again and says
"For you my darling I save you no matter I am truly glad I met you in junior school" he says
We look at each other eyes and I notice that we are getting closer but just as our lips was about to meet a person coughed and we looked and who it was.
We noticed it was the young girl who was bring our food
"Sorry for disturbing you" she says as she puts our food down.
"It's fine don't worry thank you" I say to her and smile then grab my knife and fork and began to eat same with Kyle
The whole night we chatted about each other and even fed each other our deserts I fed him his and he fed mine to me.
After the date he brought me home and explained to my father what really happened as my father didn't know and thought I was on a trip because that's what the letter said that I write but I didn't
Before Kyle left I gave him a kisses on the lips then went back into my house and went to bed and dreamed about me and Kyle.

The gangleader wants me. (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon