chapter 3 - Morning (edited)

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"Natalie wake up, you're going to be late for school" my mother shouts from down stairs by the steps 

"10 more minutes I promise I get up" I shout back as I move my pillow to get more comfortable.
"I already let you sleep an extra ten minutes get up or I get your brother to get you up" she shouts back
I could tell she was annoyed but oh well, I fall back asleep.
I woke with ice cold water all over me I scream.
I look at the person with the bucket and notice it's my brother Brandon I scream and jump out my bed after him
"You better run" I say shouting
My brother runs down the stairs towards the kitchen to where my mom is
As she sees me running in she laugh noticing how wet I was
"I told you to get up and you didn't I am not having you being late now get dry and get changed you have 30 minutes to be ready" she says as she turns back to the food she was cooking
"I would not need to get dry if my sweet brother did not throw water at me" I scream as I run out the kitchen to my room.

I grab my black jacket and white summer top, black denim and black tights.
I quickly run to the shower and have a warm shower after drying my hair and styling it making it all straight after I get changed into my clothes and I go downstairs to join my mom and brother to have breakfast
I grab bacon, egg, sausage, toast and bakes beans and eat my food before I leave to go to school.
I finish my food within 10 minutes then grab my bag and car keys.
I kiss my mom goodbye and walk to my car and get in and pick up my friends Katie.    

The gangleader wants me. (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz