chapter 17 - Bang goes the bullet (edited)

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(Well here the next chapter guys enjoy I hope you enjoy it don't forget to comment what you think) :) :D


I lay in this dark cell I don't know how long I have been here but I knew it was for a while.
When that guy of this gang came in and was talking to a guy on the other end not once did I believe it was the guy I loved all my life I was shocked he can't be a gang leader his sweet, kind and strong.
Now that I think back about it, I was so stupid off course he was, I am going to die here all alone I won't see my family ever again.
"what was that?" I say as I look around the room.
I notice that nothing in the room was touched so it must of came from up stairs.
I look at the door waiting to see if anyone will come in and no one does.
So I decided to sit on the bed and wait as I wait I mess with my nails nervously.
Suddenly the doors start to jingle and income Kyle and Lucas.
"Kyle" I shout as I run to cell doors then I jingle the bars.
Kyle turns towards me then runs to the bars then gets a gun out
"I would move back if I was you" Kyle said pointing to the lock with his gun
Realising what he about to do I back away.
He shoots the lock then walks over to me and smirks.
"Hi, I am Kyle leader of the Snape gang" he smirks as he lays out his hand
"Hi I am Natalie" I say looking into his eyes and shakes his hand
He grabs my face and bring it to his and kisses me on the lips
"Forgive me?" He ask
I nod
He smiles them grabs my hand we all walk to the door and up the stairs to the front room then we ran towards the door at the far end but just as we reached the door to go outside
The leader of the viper gang stood outside smirking while his whole gang had guns pointed towards the house and at us.
I gasp in fear and shock.
"Well, well what do we have here?" He says laughing
"Let us go brother" Kyle says shouting at his brother then stands in front of me
"I can't do that, I hope you ready to die" he says smirking then nods at his men.
"To die, hmm not really I have someone to live for now" Kyle says smiling
"Well Unlucky for you, you won't" says Kyle brother laughing.
Kyle brother goes to his gang member and grabs his weapon

I look at David then at Kyle shocked as I look at him I notice the gun and then look at Kyle brother he shoots at us.
Quickly I grab the gun and shoot him back we all duck as the bullet moves toward us me and Kyle go left while Lucks goes right.

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