hearing anna

693 64 31


hearing anna


l.r. bingham


"no one saw the fire start.
it was too fast,
too unrelenting to be captured by human eyes."

extended blurb

nineteen-year-old anna beasley is screwed-up, by almost all definitions of the phrase. her lungs are filled with nothing but cigarette smoke, her ears nothing but music that moves slow and does not dance, and her heart nothing but ice, because none have ever loved the oddities.

when her world seemed okay is when her world turned bad. her mind, once again, turned for the worst.

and then, the screwed-up anna beasley became more screwed-up. smoking away her sorrows, an accidental fire was started in the midst of what she thought was an average uni life. as she begins to truly remember an instance best left forgotten, the fire starts spreading more rapidly, leaving anna in its wake.


for everyone:
the fields which emulate peace but have been through much;
the flames which spark revolutions of the mind;
brushfires which create the good kind of beast;
the smoke which rises to new heights;
the ashes which can remake their existence;
the rain which will always remember.

a message

to everyone reading this:
you are so inimitably amazing. exhibit no restraint in retaining who you are.
people die every forty seconds because they were told that who they were wasn't good enough to fit the standard, that their life wasn't worth it.
you. are. worth. it.
your. life. is. worth. it.
people care. that's the thing about when people die:
the world revolves around them for a tiny moment, because people care.
never let the flames overwhelm you, because -
to quote john green's takumi from looking for alaska -
"we are indefuckingstructable,"
and because of that,
life is worth living, because it means you get to be alive.
and that, you lovely indefuckingstructable human,
is a real amazing thing.


this book contains content regarding the following:

-body shaming
-self-harm (in the form of smoking)
-some semi-/sexual scenes
-extremely foul language


this book belongs to no one but the author. all ideas expressed in this story are of the author's own creation, and any likenesses between it and any other work is purely coincidence. likewise with any parallels between this book and real-life instances, people, events, or places.

draft start

20 november, 2016

draft finish

2 january, 2017

edit #1 start

20 february, 2017

edit #1 finish

non-applicable as of yet


non-applicable as of yet




highest: #215 in short story, 24 february, 2016


flames don't burn.
they learn.
they learn how to see the errors among men,
and the ways to combat those faults
which are constantly changing,
reforming to defend themselves.
and that is the end
and the death
of us all.
they rise,
so we fall.

Hearing AnnaWhere stories live. Discover now