Chapter 4

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"Maia, please, listen to me. Its for your own good!", John exclaimed in a regretful tone. Fred stood from the bed trying to support his brother and Laurie was lying on Maia's lap.
"Shhh.. Be quiet my dear. I don't like hearing all these especially from you."
Maia shot back in a loud voice causing Laurie to get up.
"Maia, uncle and aunt are growing old. You must get married now. Its not a great thing that you are doing now. It maybe easy for you to live like an old cat lady spinster, but its aching for us. You should change your mind. ", Fred said calming.
But his last words made him look way too comical. Maia tried not to laugh but she couldn't. Atlast she spoke,
"So, are you saying that I should attend this ball and dance with that George of Haster, and extend him my hand to kiss and then end up in a marriage with that devil?"
"Well... yes. You should attend the ball tonight and dance with King George. But you are not going to me so disrespectful to him. "
Seeing Maia's face go pale and desperate, Laurie spoke up atlast,
"Cheer up my Lady, you are going to be the Queen of Haster!"
Maia was really hurt. She buried her face into Laurie's chest and said
"Laurie, John, Fred, I am okay with the ball part, but I want to choose my man by myself. If I didn't like this George, I won't marry him. That's a word."
"Ahhh. At last you agreed. Its okay."
Maia got up from her bed and went to see where Jason was. But before she left the room, Jason came in storming and stood cross armed.
"were you searching for me, dear Maia? "
Instead of replying, Maia huuged Jason tightly and started weeping like a baby. This was actually not expected and the brothers didn't like their little sister crying. It really hurted them. They knew the reason but no one spoke a word. They knew that even of they wanted things to go the way Maia wanted, destiny will always be there to oppose them. So, they and everyone believed that Maia was fated to be married to George. After a long pause, Maia said to Jason,

"Brother, can you do me a favour? "
"Sure Maia. I am there for you!"
"Well, it's nothing. I beg you to leave for Haster."
"But why, my dear?Everyone will be frustrated if I won't be there at the ball. So..?"
"Brother, it won't take much time if you go through the outskirts and just cross the woods. Please. Now its you who will decide whether I live peacefully or I die unhappily. "

The last words were said in a low tone so that noone would hear it. But Jason heard it and it pricked his heart.
"So what do you wish my dear?"
"I want you to go to Haster and enquire everything about my Fiancé. I want to know everything about him- his past, present, everything because that will dyermine both our futures. Please. And take Fred with you. Because you will have to cross the woods and I fear for your safety. Please do it gor your sister."
The brothers were in a dilemma. They wanted to help their sister. She was their soul and strength. But what about their parents. Jason thought gravely for a while. He then gave a long sigh and said,

"Dear Maia, it really aches to see you begging to us. I will go for you. Fred, please get ready. I will inform about this to papa. I am aure that he will allow us. Anyways, the ball will be held tomorrow evening. So if we leave within an hour and ride without stopping we surely can reach there by today evening. Its fine then." Jason said thinking for a while.
Fred hurried downstairs to pack for the journey. Jason neared Maia and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead said,
"Maia, dont you worry. As long as me and all your brothers live, you shall remain happy. We will always be there with you. It's a promise."
Maia cried silently as soon as Jason and Fred left. Laurie went away to check the security arrangements for the ball but John stayed with Maia. She layed on his lap closing her big, beautiful eyes. After a long pause, John asked,

"Dear, don't you like the idea of getting married to George?"
"How can I when I dont know about him. I haven't even seen him. But yes John, I have heard about him. They say that he ruthless, cruel, unkind nad selfish. He treats his subjects brutally and all the women as preys. Now say, do you think he is worthy for me?"
"You are right dear. If the observations brought by Jason will tally with yours,then you shall never be compelled t9 marry him. But if not, then there is noone who shall help you. Its not because we don't love you, but because of some political reasons. "
"What political reasons?"
"Well... you see, Nimartha is in danger. Many kings want our land because its fertile, beautiful, warm and welcoming. So, in order to fight them off, we are in terrible need of this alliance."
"Ohhhh. But.."
"But this George looks good. I have heard about his manliness"
" I dont care about it John. I really dont. I am sixteen and he is in his mid twenties. This is actually a disaster for me."
John was tired of this discussion. He knew that Maia will never be impressed with that guy. So changing the topic he said,
"Guess what?"
"What? "
"When we were away with Jason for our studies about warfare, we met a Prince there. I must admit that he was really handsome. He was 10 or 11 at that time. But he was really a strong guy. He said that he had already been through his worst times."
"Worst times? How?"
John could see Maia's excitement and he liked it.
"He lost his father and uncles in a battle when he was just seven. He had a vey big family to look after. A mother, a sister, three aunts and seven daughters and a vast kingdom. There was no male heir to the throne except him. So he was the one ought to protect the entire family and the kingdom."
"And what happened then?"
John was happy that Maia who hated men took a fancy for this guy.
"His father's most trusted general, Thomas took care of the kingdom on behalf of the Prince. He was sent to study the method of warfare and about various aspects of governance. When he came back, he was given his title and position with due respect. He was given a heavy bundle of responsibilities and duties at the tender age of 13. But he performed them excellently. He fought many battles, did many compromises and looked after his land with great love. Never did he fell in those political conspiracies. I am sure that noone in his kingdom lives unhappily. He respects woman and never did he fall in love. He married off 6 of his cousins. Under the advise of Sir Thomas and his mother, he rules marvellously loving each and everyone whole heartedly. Noone complaints about hos rule because he is wise, patient, loving, forgiving and most importantly caring. All of us in the school including your brothers loved him a lot. The young maids nearby were mad with his charms. I believe that such a handsome, brave and elegant king had never been born."
Maia was impressed with this tale. But she never said this. A maid suddenly dashed in and interrupted them,
"Prince John, king Orton has commanded your presence in the Throne Room to discuss about the ball's arrangements. Can you please go and meet him?"
"Just a moment. Please let him know that I will certainly be there."
The maid left and john quickly turnee to Maia,
"Sister, I have some urgent work. Can I leave?"
Although he waited for Maia's answer, she was busy in her own world. John gave a sharp smile to himself and left the room without further words. Yes, his words had worked wonders in the heart of a nasty little nymph.

Maia, as my gentle readers can guess, was in deep thoughts about a Prince miles away. She didn't even know his name, but she was still curious about him. She admired his personality with the informations that John gave her. She even tried to compare him with George. But she failed. The reason was that they both were really different. And she naturally felt an inclination for the Prince. Her heart longed to know more about him. But she hated this new feeling that was growing in her. It was distracting the peace of her being. But still she couldn't help thinking about him.

Let us leave the wild angel to think.
Oh Lord! Let her dream, let her hope, let her live.
One thing is sure, one plant had taken root and blossomed beautifully in a little garden. For love is a flower that grows in any soil, works its sweet miracles undaunted by autumn frosts or winter snow, blooming fair amd fragrant all the while, blessing all those who give and those who receive.
Long Live Nimartha!


Well tats the 4th ome

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