Chapter 3

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It was a fine morning, there was an aura of happiness and hope in the breeze that passed through Maia's hairs. For once she closed her eyes and it seemed as if for eternity. She looked serious.
"I thank Thee for this pleasant world, the trees and the birds. May Nimartha be immortal. May unconditional love and joy flow through my people. May my people learn to run, fall and get up. May my people be satisfied with their lots and littles. May no man roam jobless in the streets. May no youth go usless, frustrated and get turned into a drunkard. May no woman be forced to get into prostitution. May no child die of starvation. May my Nimartha win each battle and may all of my people win their small and big battles. I hope today as everyday be great and good."
With these regular speech said to herself she got out of the bed and went to freshen up.
Unexpectedly, the door opened with a bang and someone rushed in. Maia was shocked and swiftly grabbed her sword and turned in order to thrust it into whoever was that, but she stopped and her eyes lowered of embarrassment on seeing her mamma standing with crossed arms.
"Oh Maia, drop that bloody thing right now and dress up quickly. "Linda said in a high tone.
"Mamma, this aint a bloody thing. The way you came into my room, it seemed to me as if you were a...."
As she tried to protest, Linda moved closer and said in a motherly, gentle voice,
" Darling, its alright. Now, listen you dont have to be afraid of anything here at Nimartha. Because this is your land, your castle and nothing will harm you here."
She paused to let herself get calm and then started again, this time in an excited tone,
"Dear, I have a good news for you, Your uncle Orton and your cousins will be here soon. They have reached the outskirts. So please get ready soon and come down fast. I have works down and I must leave now.
Saying this Linda left a shocked Maia to get dressed. For once she closed her eyes and then opened them and looked at the sky. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she was feeling weak. But she felt good and happy. She murmured ,shivering,
"Oh Lord, Thanks."

The Throne Room was not much decorated but each of the servants, the soldiers, and the Ladies wore a festive look. The servants were all scattered and were running about here and there. The Ladies here and there were very busy. The younger maids were all in their best and adorned themselves with all they had, they were even seen whispering to each other because three handsome Prince's were arriving. And there was our dear queen bee, Linda giving orders and correcting her workers. The whole palace couldn't be decorated at such a short span of time but with Queen Linda on its apex nothing fails. The King, Gaston was surprised at his wife's talent and swiftness. He stared at his wife's commanding power and within no time atleast the Throne Room was decorated.


Maia descended the stairs and entered the Throne Room. She wore a dark blue lace gown and also wore her favourite light blue coral necklace which many years ago her uncle had gifted her. She tied her hair in a tight bun but let a few ones hang loose. Her eye lashes were darkened and her eyes were lined. Yes, she didn't look like a show piece but just like a proud and elegant Princess. She slowly entered into the room. She was going to meet her uncle and cousins after five long years. She even felt that due to their busy life they would have even forgotten her. Her eues were cast down and for the first time in her entire life, Maia felt shy.

In the room , three thrones were beautifully presented. On the first one sat her mamma, Linda, the second which was a bit highly held her papa, king Gaston and the third one had a masculine, tall, and leaning man on it. He was greying fastly and his eyes wore a serious yet excited look. In the depths of his hazel eyes a tragic tale of a widower rolled. It said the woeful story of a king who ruled over the kingdom of Garaitha whose one throne which was once occupied by a an angel was now empty. It narrated the heart rendering tale of a once handsome and wanted Prince who wildly loved the Princess of Burgundy and married her and lived happily. It said the story of the Queen of Garaitha who lived for very less years but was loved madly by everyone. It said the tale of a Queen who had left the world and her man too quickly leaving away three handsome and brave sons. But despite all these fact that had made her uncle have grey hairs and wrinkles, today he looked cheerful and contented. It was the satisfaction of seeing his brother and sister after a long time. It was the happiness of meeting his so called daughter Maia whom he loved like his three sons and claimed that she had the ways of his wife. With a lot of thoughts flying in her mind, she neared the steps leading to the thrones. She did an elegant and quick curtsey. And her eyes fixed on her uncle. He gave a nod and descended the stairs. He said in a proud tone that made feel Maia as of she was her uncle's pride and prodigy,
" You have grown up a lot sonce the last five years, my dear. When I took back your cousins to Garaitha, you were a small, shouting, adamant girl. But now you have changed. You are no longer the girl whom I saw years ago. Now you are a Lady- the beautiful, bold, brave, Lady Maia Reveron of Nimartha.
Two tears dropped from.her emerald green eyes and she said in a shattered tone,
" Uncle, I missed you so much. I wish you had been there with me all these long years. "
"Yes Maia, you are right. I feel bad that I couldn't watch you grow up. I wish your aunt Alice was there with me today. She would have been proud if she saw you today. But I must say that the second person Alice loved in this world after me was you Maia. She said that you have a very adventurous, exciting and interesting life ahead. She said that you will grow up into the most beautiful and brave Lady in the entire world. And I am glad that all her forecasts have come true. I am sure that Alice is here somewhere seeing , enjoying and blessing you, my Maia. May you have the best life ahead."
By this Maia was literally crying. She cursed fate for being so cruel with her uncle and aunt. They were the best part of her life. And her aunt's death had brought down a man who was once at the top of the world.
But if for this, Lady Maia hated fate then yes, in future she may hate her!
She was unable to speak. Her heart longed for her Uncle, cousins, and of course her loving aunt Alice. She used to sleep with her aunt and she always had her to support all her pranks. No matter how many turned against Maia's pranks, Alice and Orton were always on her side and used to say,
"Oh come on folks, let my Maia do what her heart says. Let her play pranks and crack jokes. Let her be as she is. I respect her for being the Maia she is now."
Maia murmured, " I miss you a lot aunt Alice. Rest In Peace"
After a moment of silence, Maia's green eyes hunted for her cousins. Even Jason was missing. She said in an excited tone,
" So uncle, where are the three young, handsome and brave warrior Prince's of Garaitha?"
"Oh dear, they are on the way. Jason is there to welcome them"
As soon as he finished this, hfour young gentleman were seen entering. And as soon as they came in , the heart of the young maids fluttered. They were impressed by their looks. But these young men were just focused on Maia. They did a curtsey infront of their Uncle and Aunt and ran towards their little sister. Jason walked slowly leaving the other three to talk.
"John, Laurie, Fred, how good it is to see you all!"
Ahh! Who is this pleasant young Lady? Is she here to carry us away? John said smirking.
You are right, John. She can't be our naughty little Maia! Exclaimed Fred.
"But where is our Maia?"asked Laurie irritating the short tempered Maia.
"Stop it you idiots, I am your little Maia. And if you dont stop this drama, I will thrust my sword into your bellies. !", Maia said loudly causing Linda to astonish and the men to laugh.
Her question was answered when all of them jumped upon her and they ended up in a warm and long hug.
Maia said breaking the silence to Jason who was waiting for a gap to join them,
"Milord, when do you actually paln to display your affection?"
A round of laughter followed Maia's question.
And soon, Jason joined the so called public display of affection!
Many a man remembers some pretty child who has made a place in his heart and kept her memory alive by simple magic of her innocence; these little men were just learning to feel this power and to love it for its gentle influence, not ashamed to let a small hand lead them from darkness to light , nor to own their loyalty or womanhood, even in the bud!
Oh Lord! Let my Maia fly free!


So thats it guys!
I am indeed updating things fast.
Do vote and commnt.
Byeee lovelies!!!!!

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