Chapter 5

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Chapter 5



That's all I've been feeling for the past three weeks. And that's all I felt right now. I couldn't focus. Everything was a blur. I knew that I felt pain, but I couldn't exactly figure out where it was coming from.

Suddenly, I heard noises near me. I couldn't make out what they were, but I thought they might be voices. Slowly my ears began working again, but I still couldn't move. It was like I was paralyzed.

I heard the sounds again. Definitely voices. But who?

I don't know but they sounded angry.

"We need to finish this!"

"I know but there's only so much I can do without being caught."

"Ryan, come on. You know you can do more than you're doing now."

Wait, Ryan? I know that name.

I couldn't figure out where I remembered that name from. My mind was so fuzzy right now, I couldn't make sense of anything.

"I'm trying ok!"

"We've got too much on the line, we need to finish this. Now."

Oh my god. I definitely know that voice.

Mrs. Montgomery.

I gasped, which caused me to jump slightly. But even that slight motion caused a sharp pain. It was coming from my arm. It felt like I had been stabbed or something.

"Yes I know. But you've got to hang in there. You are what is holding this together right now," the voice I now know to be Ryan said.

I tried to open my eyes a little, it was hard but when I did, I saw darkness around me. The only sliver of light was coming from a doorway in front of me. The door was cracked slightly and I could see a small room with a table and some chairs surrounding it. I saw the back of Mrs. Montgomery's head, and another man with an angry look on his face wearing a black shirt.

Ryan continued speaking, "Has Austin figured anything out yet?"

"Oh please, he thinks we're the perfect parents. He doesn't suspect a thing," Austin's mom replied.

"Good. So he knows nothing about Michele?"

"No, and I'd like to keep it that way. He's grown up his whole life thinking we're his parents, it would kill him to find out now."


Oh my god. He needs to know this. I have to get out of here. But how? I'm tied to a stupid chair.

I tried moving my arms around. At first I couldn't move because of the pain. But I moved past the pain and realized that I could reach my back pocket.

I pulled my iPhone out and felt around. I thought maybe if I could get a text to Austin. Maybe, just maybe I could get out of here safely. Without looking, I pulled up my messages. I knew Austin was the last person I texted, so I tapped where I thought his name should be. I typed in the most obvious message I could think of: Help

I slipped my phone back into my pocket. Just in time, too, because light came rushing into my darkness, but was quickly blocked out by a muscular figure.

"Nice of you to join us," Ryan said. He was kind of tall, but really muscular. He had short dirty blonde hair and a stupid smirk plastered on his face.

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