Chapter 21

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I'm pretty sure my breathing stopped. it seemed like forever before she continued. Her words ran through my mind a million times.

I have some news for you.

Good news? Bad news?

Finally she spoke, "An opportunity has come up for you to be relocated to Miami."

I almost didn't believe her words. They seemed to good to be true. I didn't know what to say. "Seriously?" Was all I got out. "How?"

She paused. I could hear the excitement in her voice. She was excited for me. "Well, I've been able to transfer your case to Florida legislation because there's been a breakthrough in your case."

A breakthrough? What does that even mean? I hesitated, "What kind of breakthrough?"

"Well usually when a minor's parents die," she began. I cringed at the thought. "Investigators try to find the next of kin. So usually it's like a grandparent or an aunt or uncle."

I interrupted. "But I don't have any of those," I said. My grandparents died and my parents were only children. "How does this help?"

She paused. "Ahh, that's where you're wrong, Sophie. Your mom had a sister. Apparently she never told you that and they haven't been connected in years. She wasn't even aware that you had been born."

To say I was shocked was an understatement. But what I thought Ms. Watson was about to say was even crazier. "What else?" I asked.

She let out a small breathy laugh. "And, your aunt lives in Miami and is more than willing to take you in."

The excitement bubbling up inside of me was almost to much to bear. Not only was I going to get to be with Austin, I was going to get to live with family. There was so much flying around in my brain in that moment. "When do I leave?" I asked.

She paused. "Hm, does tomorrow morning work for you?"

The wheels in my head started turning. I could already picture myself meeting my aunt and being reunited with Austin. The excitement was almost too much. "Yes!" I exclaimed. "I'll go pack right now!"

She laughed. "Ok, well why don't you go give the phone to Julie and I'll work out the details with her."

I flung the bedroom door open and ran down the stairs while I replied, "Ok sounds good."

I ran into the kitchen where Julie was still working in the kitchen. "Ms. Watson wants to talk to you."

She gave me a questioning look as I gave her the phone and sprinted back up the stairs. I thought about grabbing my phone and calling Austin, but I decided against it.

I began pulling my clothes out of the little dresser I had and piled them up on my bed. I pulled my suitcase out from under my bed and began packing my slimmed down amount of belongings into it. Halfway through packing, Sidney walked into the room.

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