Chapter 19

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{Spencer's swimsuit and dinner outfit on the side.}

I woke up to being poked by Caleb.
"Go away!" I grumbled.
"Get up! The flight is almost over but it's time to eat!" He said playing with a lock of my hair. I didn't want to get up but come on, it's food, there is always time on my schedule for food. I sat up pushing up the sleeves of my Aeropostale sweater up. Caleb had put it on me, seeing that I was falling sleep and it was cold. The flip out table was out. I was too lazy go in my bag and Caleb's was open so I reached for his MacBook. I typed in the password and since the tables were close I shared the laptop equally. The flight attendant came with a cart-thingy of food and drinks. Caleb ordered two mini burgers, nachos and cheese with orange juice and fruit punch, lastly for me Hershey cookie and cream.

As I scrolled through Netflix, when I stumbled up on the a series that I was wanting for, yet didn't know... Haters Back Off!
"Yasss!!!" I cried throwing a nacho in my mouth.
"Seriously Spencer?!" Caleb said seeing what I chose. "What about Reign or Teen Wolf or even um... anything else." He continued.
"You've never even watched it before so shut it... you gonna like it. Miranda is in it, she's awesome and- uh oh, if you like it, you have to take pictures with me for the whole trip!" I replied childishly.
"Fine! It's a deal!" I smirked as he replied. To seal the deal, we shook hands and gave each other a peck on the lips.

As expected I won! But after three episodes of goodness, the flight was over and we began to pack up. My sweater was now in my bag and my bag was now on my back. Caleb's hands were around my waist, holding as we walked. He was walking all weird and tickling me so I was giggling like a baby. If I was tickled too much, I would snort and that was his goal. We came off the plane then collected our luggage and went straight to one of the best-five stars hotels. Tif and I got a room a Toby and Caleb got the same room but there is gonna be some switching. Tif and I unpacked and decided to chill before going to the pool. We texted the boys to be ready in half an hour and we would go right after them.

It was almost time to go so we were getting ready. Tif insisted for me to wear this sexy black one piece but I'm insecure about my body so we were having a bit of an argument. Oh, did I mention we were walking around butt naked but it was the natural, come on, we've been besties since age five. It covered my parts and had lines across my back and lines in the front connecting the the parts covering and supporting my breast.
"Spencer Alison Gab Morris, if you do not put on that swimsuit... I will... betch, try me!" She said with steam coming out her ear. In the blink of an eye, the sexy yet complicated swimsuit was on, properly too. I threw on a mesh white cover up but when I was going to put on a white shorts, Tiffany's back was turnt to the wall and she said frightening me,
"Oh hell no!"
My shoulders drop in response. I love my best friend but... fudge! I don't know how Toby deals with her, it's common for me since we been besties for thirteen years.

We turnt off the television, slipped into our sandals and off we went. Since I was wearing a brown pink beach hat and my Gucci sunglasses, no one recognized me. Men and boys whistled at me. I rolled my eyes and scowled, majority of the men could be my grandfather or father. Men!
I reached the pool and it was only occupied by my schoolmates. As I walked pass the the different stereotypes of boys at my school, wolf whistles were made. Tiffany was beside Toby talking to him and other guys on the team. I waved seductively at Caleb and was heading over when Connor, another f*ckboy came infringed of me.
"He sweetie, I didn't catch your name." He said smoothly.
Girls all new what these guys are but the legs of these idiotic females just had to be Walmart, open twenty-four seven.
"I'm sorry. Funny. I don't remember throwing it to you!" I replied in a sickly sweet voice. Everyone heard and all attention was directed to us. I fix my hat so my face could be seen and took off my glasses. Seeing that it was me, everyone gasped.
"Oh come on, Spencer! Don't be shy, your scumbag boyfriend won't mind." He replied with a smug smirk. Not because he's my boyfriend but , seeing the smirk on Caleb's face mades me... can't describe the great feeling but on Connor makes me sick. I step closer to him and everyone was watching closely. As I was going to kiss him, I leaned in and when he were inches apart, I shoved him into the pool then said,
"I'm sorry um... who ever you are, but you are seriously lost! 'Cause Easy Whore Avenue is that way!" I pointed him to the three girls from our school that was wearing a... bits of cloth, attached together on they body. It barely covered their lady parts. My swimsuit was sexy but it covered what was to be covered. As reached up to Caleb I kissed him and we then went into the pool. Oh, did I mention Caleb's abs and how annoyed I was too see girls practically eye rapping him.

The pool Caleb and I were puppies. We played like there was tomorrow. Smashing, laughing, kissing and play dipping! As promised Caleb and I look some awesome pics. My favorite was the one where Caleb had me by the waist, me in the air and my toes pointed to the sky, I was looking down at Caleb with a large grin on my face and he did the same but looking up. I posted it and and some other pictures we took on Instagram and my and Caleb's account blew up. We were in the top five cutest couples and also hot separately. When I told Caleb his ego became have of his already large brain. The day was spent mostly in the pool, eating or taking pics to put on Insta. Don't judge, I want the memories and I was bored for a moment!

Caleb's POV

After I walk Spencer to her room, I came across Ashley crying. She held her knees to her chest and her head low. She looked up with bloodshot eyes and said,
"Be on your way, you don't have to watch in amusement as I cry."
Shaking my head I sat next to her in the same position.
"Ashley, as bad as you are I would never like to see you, or anyone for that matter cry." I said.
"So why are you here?" She asked dully.
"I'm here cause I would like to know why you crying." I replied in a duh tone.
"Um... my... grandfather just di-died. My mom told me over text message and apparently it's my fault." She said and tears began to flow again.
"How is that your fault?" I replied shocked.
"Well, we got into fight before this trip and I told him I hated him, which I didn't mean. He was taking sides with my  horrible m-mother. My grandfather was the closest person to me, he was always there when I need him and-and now... he-his go-gone!" Her tears were now gushing like a water fall.
I pulled her into a FRIENDLY hug and I heard something- like a camera.

Leaving left her with encouraging words, I walked into me and Toby's hotel room seeing Mia trying to practically rape him and Lia trying to take pics. Toby wasn't using all of much his strength to push her off, for if he was, he would hurt her badly and Toby and I had a police since age  two- fifteen years to never hurt girls no matter what they did. Pulled her off and set her on the floor.
"Like what the f*ck is y'all  problem!" I said.
The twins giggled and left.
After all that drama, we got ready. I was wearing a peachish pink shorts and a light blue bottom up shirt and white Vans. We then picked up the girls and told them the crazy things that happened and they we're past furious.

We reached the bond fire thingy and saw Hawaiian people dancing. Spencer looked sexy as always in a teal crop top, white beach- lace like shorts, white and gold slippers in hand, two braids in hair, Indian like necklace and bracelet thingy.

Hey, don't judge! I'm a dude, at least I new some of them, gimme some freaking credit.

We sat down and watched the dancers. Food was being severed when everyone's phone went off. It was a pic of me and Ashley hugging. WHAT A BITCH!!! Everything she said was lie.
"I can explain!" I blurted out see the girls looking for Ashley and the twins.
"We trust you guys!" They both said in unison. The dancers on the stage were now  on break and the girls found the pricks. Walking over to them, they said,
"Hey sluts of Wilson High!"
The idiots actually responded. Like what the hell!
"Remember I told you  Hündinnen to leave our boyfriends alone. Are you taub or nah?" She said using some German. Tif and Spencer knew a bit of German, French, Spanish, Latin and Korean, they were trying to teach Toby and I.
"Aww! Are you sad that we got your pathetic boyfriends around our fingers?" She replied twirling her hair around her index.

F*ck it! That was the last f*cking straw for Spencer, it was in her eyes. She was ready to beat this bitch!

Out of anger Spencer grabbed a chair and...

A/N: Cliffhanger-ish! Sorry but this weekend was crazy but here it is. Btws, like did y'all see the Tia Valentine reference when Spencer was dissing Connor?! Like yasss!!!Kisses 😘. Enjoy! Vote, comment, share and maybe blow kiss me a follow.

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