Chapter 6

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We were now in December, which meant, Christmas was close. I saw Caleb looking around for me so I called, "Hey hot stuff!"
He ran over and hugged me.
"Angel, long time no see!"
Caleb and I haven't spoke in a week and five days. We would call and check up on each other but other than that he was busy.
"Um...Can you come to our winter game later, please?!" Caleb asked like a shy boy. He was so cute so I had to say yes. That made him so happy.

Since I had English Lit. on Mondays and Wednesdays, we were look at a famous Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet. I read the book before so I was ahead. The story was great but Juliet shouldn't have killed herself.
"Okay class today we are gonna talk about..." I
Stopped listening cause I was lost in my thoughts.
"Spencer! Spencer!" Miss Henry called. I could hear her but my mind was else where.
"Earth to angel!" Caleb said then he bit me on my ear, that made me skin jump, goosebumps were now everywhere on my body.
"Caleb, why did you bite me?!" I said then he whispered. He told me the question. I apologized to my teacher and said, "The story was good but Juliet shouldn't have killed herself, it was stupid of her. Why? I get it she was in love, saying she couldn't live with out him but one, she just meet the guy and two, she was only thirteen, girl live a little! Yeah, it's gonna be hard since he was her first love, that's what life is all about."
Everyone, including my teacher clapped at my excellent explanation.

The day basically flew pass. It was now time Caleb's game. Toby ask Tif to come. They are in a relationship. The tempt mature was high so they played in comfort. Caleb and Toby  made majority of the shots. But on many occasions in the game Ricky would hog the ball and would give it to Caleb so he could make the shot. What a a-hole! Toby and Caleb were taller than him so they were the ones who made the shots and everyone one the team didn't have a problem except him.
One more shot and the we, the Blue Lion would win. But at time like this Ricky decides to hog the ball. Toby just go really fed up so he snatched the ball went though two boys from the other team and he attempted to make the shot but it bounced off. Caleb jumped and bat it into the hoop. We won! Caleb and Toby guy hugged and threw us a kiss.

Caleb's POV

The next day after lunch our classes were cancelled since the teachers had a two hour board meeting. Everyone except got me a message. I looked to see what pathetic thing did Ashley send now. It was Spencer dancing! No! Ricky then walked pass and said, "Lets just say Caleb wasn't the only one there!"
I grabbed him but Spencer ran off so I handed him to Toby. Everyone  was staring but I don't care.

She stopped running so I slowed down. Spencer was breathing heavily, she looked really pale when she had a light brown completion.
"Angel!!!" I cried see that she was gonna faint. I ran towards her. Just before she fell I ran to her and caught! Phew! I didn't care so ran out of the school with her cradled in my arms. Toby wasn't gonna let me drive so Tiffany sat beside him and Spencer's head was on my lap. I called my uncle that owns the hospital so we got through quicker.
"F*ck!" I screamed.
I'm supposed to be the one to protect her. Another dude her another woman I loved. Anger was running though my vanes. I wanted to strangle Ricky with my bare hands.

When we arrived, my uncle was there with his team.
"Spencer Morris!" he said.
Wait he knew her?!
"She's a regular patient, she has a  lung issue." he continued.
I was gonna go back to school but Toby knew what was going through my mind so he grabbed me and said,
"Bro no! This happen before where you almost kill a dude. With the angry your in you could meet in an accident or jail. Spencer needs you to be calm!"
"He's right!" Tiffany added.

I sat in her hospital room and prayed to God that she'd wake up. My uncle said she's fine, she's just a sleep. Spencer slowly raised her hand and said, "Caleb!"
I flue up and went over to her.
"Angel!" I said smiling.
She took the oxygen thingy off her and hugged me.
"I'm fine!"
"Good! I'm gonna get my uncle to check you!" I said as I left the room. In three minutes I got my uncle and thankfully everything was good but they had to keel her for three days just in case, based on what happened in previous admissions.
It was Sunday, the day when Spencer would be released. I hopped in my car and headed to hospital. I was wearing a navy blue V-neck shirt that showed my muscles, jeans and my white Jordan.
When I entered her room I saw her packing up and get mom sitting on the couch. I hugged her mom and her. She seem fine. I went home with them. Spencer was just stressed and needed to relax. For the rest of the day we just played board games and watched Netflix.
Spencer's POV

I haven't seen Caleb since the Sunday we spent together. Tiffany recorded my class and took home my home work. I did my tests when I went to my moms office. I was in a room by myself. I passed in flying colors.

It was the day before Christmas Eve and Tiffany dropped me off at Caleb's. The maid knew me so she in the gym. I when in and I knew Caleb felt my presence. He was boxing. I was waiting for him to say something but he didn't. So I went in front of him. He didn't punch again. But he hugged me and said, "I missed you Angel!"
"I missed you too hot stuff!"
We stayed there a moment. His then shower and we chilled for the time being. I knew that he had a lot of questions and so did I but we held back. He would tell me when he's ready.

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