/14/ Gymnastics is an Independent Sport

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I groaned again in the car on my way to school. Why was I doing this?

"Stop complaining," King said, annoyed as he drove.

"Stop driving," I retorted.

"Look, AJ, nothing's gonna change," he assured.

"Yeah right," I said. What was gonna change was Sam. Sam was gonna go from a healthy pregnant girl, to a beaten up girl. I want to pound her face.

When we pulled up to the school, there weren't any cameras or microphones. Just a lot of teens staring at me as if I was some horse on sale. But of course King walked by my side and no one said anything.

"Can I talk to you?" Connor said.

"You can go suck a dick," Ryan grumbled.

"No," I answered Connor.

"AJ, I'm sorry—"

"I don't need your bullshit right now, Connor," I snapped. Then I started thinking that it could've been his fault everyone knew. Then he grabbed my arm.

"I know what you're thinking, so no. It wasn't me that told," he said.

"Right..." I said doubtfully. Why, oh, why was I chosen for this drama?


"So why'd you keep it from us for so long?" Danny asked me as we started to leave the skate park alone.

"I didn't have a reason to tell you," I shrugged.

"Then why'd you tell King and Connor?" he asked. I looked over to him with a roll of my eyes.

"You know why," I muttered with a sigh. He shrugged in response.

"I wanted to apologize about the other day—" he started. I stopped walking and looked over at him in confusion. "I shouldn't have blurted out what I did to your grandma."

"I'd say no problem, but..."

"But what?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Let's see," I started. "My grandma hates me—she probably thinks I'm some sinner more than ever, and I'm not even a lesbian so—"

"You're AJ," he corrected. "Who cares what people think?"

"A sixteen year-old girl in high school, Dan," I reminded.

"Okay, so?" he shrugged. I stopped there. Was there any reason to at least defend my right to have at least some care to people's opinions towards me?


"Hey," someone greeted. I looked over to see Connor. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you," he pleaded. I looked over to Danny, surprised that he hadn't said anything.

"You're the sixteen year old girl. Your choice," Danny mocked before leaving. I turned to Connor and crossed my arms.

"I'm sorry," he started.

"Two of the most—"

"—meaningless words in the world. I know," he finished. His green eyes were searching for something on my face. "I know I made a mistake with Sam and King, but what did I ever even do to you?"

I kept quiet. All he did was expect me to help him with his "problem." It's not like he got me pregnant or helped my mate cheat with him. All he wanted was help. When he hurt my waist, it was because I hurt him first.

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