/11/ Why You Don't Mess with Anyone Related to a Protective MMA Fighter

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"Where the hell is Connor?" Danny asked impatiently. It was the Wednesday before the competition and right when the guys needed Connor as their fourth competitor for practice, he wasn't there.

"You got his number so call him," Adam suggested.

"We're not some girl who's been stood up. If he doesn't want to show, then so be it. Adam, you're in," King replied.

"I thought AJ was—"

"On the ramp," King demanded. Although I was supposed to be the sub, I had no objection to King putting in Adam. I wasn't in the mood to skate today anyways. After hours of watching Adam mess up the routine and me skating alone out of sheer boredom, I noticed the guys start to leave. So I followed King out.

"Where to?" he asked once we were safe in his car.

"Well it's Wednesday..." I reminded. "Don't you have a fight?"

"No," he said. "Don't you want me to drop you off at the gym?"

"No," I mumbled. What was the use? To find Skylar there to snitch on me?

"Well then what's there to do?" he asked. Simultaneously, we sat back onto our seats with a sigh. We sat like that for a few silent moments until he started to drive and my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you," Connor introduced.

"Um alright," I allowed.

"Are you home? I can pick you up," he offered.

"No. King and I are leaving the skate park, but where do you wanna meet up?" I asked.

"Anywhere. Just not with King," he said quickly. It made sense why he didn't want King to be around considering he basically slammed him into the nearest wall or locker whenever he could, but this was something different. Something coated his worried tone. But by the impatient look in King's eyes, I didn't want to ask him outright.

"So our plans are off? Alright. Bye," I said before hanging up, but then texted him: I'll sneak out at eleven. Meet me at the park.


"Now what do you—" In my slurred speech from desired sleep and heavy fatigue, I was silenced when Connor started talking.

"We're friends right?" he asked.

"Uh. I don't—"

He took me in an awkward hug where his muscled arms coiled over my shoulders and I awkwardly stood there in the embrace.

"Just say yes," he whispered on my head.

"But what if I don't?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter," he said, pulling back. I looked up into his green eyes and he looked completely anxious and nervous for something. "You're my only girl friend and I need to talk to someone about—"

"Girl friend?" I asked. That term used to me was weird, space or no space.

"Yeah. My friend that's a girl—whatever. I need help," he said.

"With?" I asked. He sighed and then bent his head down to my height.

"I think I got a girl pregnant," he announced. I smacked his shoulder.

"What is with you horn-dog guys getting girls pregnant all of a sudden?!" I asked. First Sam...and now, whoever he was with. I didn't even know he even had a girlfriend considering of the number of times he hit on me for fun. I questioned whether I should help him or not. When King told me about Sam, I helped because I knew I'd get a guilt trip any other way and King is somewhat my brother. But Connor...?

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