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© Jojo B 2016

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story are owned by Jojo B. It's Illegal to steal and/or copy.


*N.E.V* The Seven Deadly Simpson Brothers


(Picture is Melody)

It was after school and I was in the kitchen looking through the cupboards, trying to write a list of things the house would need for shopping. I had decided that we needed more home cooked meals and not just take-aways and the instant foods. I closed the fridge when I heard someone enter the kitchen behind me and saw Eli standing by the dining table.

"Hey," I greeted him.

"Hey," he murmured back, looking a bit down actually.

"What's wrong?" I frowned, walking up to him. "Didn't the date go well?"

Having already heard from Hayley, the date had been 'fantastic' and the two of them had shared a few more kisses. She didn't know if Eli wanted her to be his girlfriend, as he hadn't asked her straight out, but then again maybe Eli was the kind of guy who felt that he didn't need to ask.

"The date was good," Eli smiled faintly as he gazed downwards. "It's just...ah, it's nothing."

"Eli," I said softly. "You can tell me what's bothering you."

He frowned sharply and I took a step back from the sudden anger in his features.

"It's not 'bothering' me," he scowled. "How could my sister ever 'bother' me?"

I widened my eyes in surprise on hearing his words and I quickly tried to dissolve his irritation.

"I'm sorry Eli," I said to him. "I didn't mean to make it sound like that, I didn't know it was her who was on your mind."

Eli let out a long breath and hung his head so that his hair fell forwards, "No, I should apologise. I shouldn't have snapped."

Looking up at Eli's crestfallen face made me want to hug him and tell him that him missing his sister was normal and that she was happy.

"You can talk to me, you know," I said, trying to approach the subject gently.

Eli nodded and I asked, "Do you want to go outside?"

"It's too cold out there," he said quietly. "Let's go to the den."

The two of us went down into the basement and sat down on one of the small sofas, surrounded by beanbags, that faced the plasma TV and DVD case.

Eli sighed and looked down at his hands and I waited patiently for him to say whatever he wanted to.

"Eunice and I were really close," Eli said lowly. "It was better than having a best friend. That's how it felt like anyway."

"You never fought with each other?" I asked him, curling up in the sofa and listening to him speak.

"Yeah, we fought," Eli said. "But not as much as she and everyone else did actually, which was weird, because we were nearly always together so you would have thought we fought the most."

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