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Cadence blinked away the tears that threated to spill over and cleared her throat

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Cadence blinked away the tears that threated to spill over and cleared her throat. "I don't remember a lot to be honest. I remember-" Her eyes suddenly widened as she recalled Joey getting hit. She felt horrible that she would forget such a thing, "Joey! Is Joey okay? Did you find him?" Cadence panicked, grabbing hold of Connor's forearms.

Connor nodded, kissing her forehead. "Yes, we found Joey. He had a small head wound, but otherwise was unharmed. He was very worried about you."

Cadence sighed in relief. "Thank goddess.."

"Can you continue with what you were saying?" Connor didn't want to pressure her, but he would feel better and hoped that Cadence would as well once she talked about it.

Cadence shrugged, "when I woke up, I had one arm chained down. I was in the basement. I recognized it and I knew instatnly who was behind my abduction. I wasn't surprised when I seen Thomas. He still had this obsession over me. I honestly hoped that it had passed, but apparently it hadn't. He left me in the basement. I had never been so cold before and it was even worse when he had moved me to the room where he intentionally warmed me quickly. He wanted to watch me whither in pain, it gave him satisfaction and no matter how much I tried to contain it, I wasn't strong enough..." Cadence knew that for a while the coldness would bother her, but she was confident that over time she would get over it.

Connor hugged Cadence to him. He couldn't imagine being stuck in a basement in the beginning of winter. "Did he- touch you?" Connor asked between clenched teeth. He had to know.

Cadence buried her face into Connor's warmth, shaking her head. "No, he tried to give me a mating bite, but you came just in time." The fear of what almost happened speeped into Cadence's voice, giving it a light tremble.

Connor held Cadence tighter, "you are mine. I would have found a way to get you back, no matter how long it took."

Cadence had never heard of a way to break a mating bite except through death, but if there was another way, she was sure Connor would have found it. "I know you would have. And I would have waited for however long it took." Cadence pulled away from his embrace and pulled her hair to the side. "I want to be your's.." Cadence couldn't stop the blush from rising to her cheeks as she made her bold statement.

Connor's eyes widened, but a huge grin spread across his face. "Are you sure? I'm ready to be your's and for you to be mine, but I don't want you to feel rushed."

Cadence nodded, "I don't feel rushed. I want this. I have for a very long time."

Connor smiled and crashed his lips against Cadence's. He had missed her sweet taste and softness. Though he had been serious about finding a way to break a mating bite, he worried he would have to wait to hold Cadence again. He couldn't imagine living apart from her now. She was his everything. As Connor deepend the kiss, he could feel Cadence let go herself. He knew the mating bite was painful, he had heard it from several of the mated couples among the pack and knew that if he raised her passion enough, it would cloud the pain if only a little.

Connor broke the kiss, only to attach his mouth to Cadence's ear lobe. He sucked, licked and nibbled his way down her neck. He could tell by how tightly Cadence held onto him, how taunt her body was and also knew by the light sighs and moans she produced that she was indeed lost in the pleasure. He took his time peeling the cover away as his teeth shifted in his mouth. He gave her a light nip on the shoulder and felt her body jerk against his own. He held her more firmly, and then bit down on the junction between her neck and shoulder. Connor could hear her quick intake of breath, but didn't release his hold. He tasted her blood fill his mouth and sucked lightly before releasing her and licking the fresh wound.

Cadence breathed hard, her body a mixture of sensations. It was hard to put into words how she felt, or how affect she was by the bite. She never knew that it would be so, so amazing! Cadence blinked her eyes a few times, blinking away the dazed fog and then smiled at Connor. Connor returned her smile and bared his neck to her. It was the ultimate gift a male could give his female, especially when the male was an Alpha. Cadence leaned forward and licked up his neck, his skin tasted slightly salty and she nearly drownd in his scent. It seemed to have became more potent to Cadence's senses. She couldn't control the sudden and unbearable urge to just sink her teeth into his neck. She had a sudden possessiveness run through her that nearly left her breathless. "Do it." Connor whispered huskily sending Cadence already high emotions over the edge.

Cadence opened her mouth and bit down on Connor's shoulder. She bit deep and felt him tense against her, but refused to release him just yet. When she was satisfied she released his shoulder and cleaned the wound. A satisfied and content sigh passing her lips as she looked up to a dazed Connor.

"I love you Cadence. My mate."

"I love you too Connor. My guardian."

Epilogue is next. I really hope you enjoyed this story!!!!!!! And a big shout out to those who have followed it all the way through and for your amazing and heart felt feed back. I hope I replied to everyone.

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