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John smiled when Mac came back with the information he had requested

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John smiled when Mac came back with the information he had requested. "Good job Mac. Go tell Jake and I will go tell Connor." John watched Mac turn and leave and then turned himself to go back to Connor's office. He hadn't left at all for fear of trying to kill one of his pack member's for what seemed to be their discrimination. John understood, but also knew that Connor couldn't go killing off every member who disagreed with his choice in mate, even if it was John's daughter. Without knocking John entered the office and shut the door behind himself. "Connor, Mac just came to me with the information. My suspicions were right. Thomas has her. The good news is he won't kill her, but-" John didn't need to explain for Connor to know what he was getting at. If Connor and them didn't save her soon, Thomas would force Cadence into mating with him. It wasn't something either of them wanted to happen.

Connor stood ridged, "we leave as soon as everyone is gathered. We won't waste another minute." Connor linked Jake and was happy to hear he had already begun gathering the warrior's. "John, gather your men. We met out front in five minutes." Connor turned away from John. Connor looked out the window to the night sky frowning when he seen the snow flakes falling. I'll find you Cadence.. Just stay strong for me...



Cadence was no longer shivering as she held the blanket against her as tightly as she could. She was still numb and it didn't seem like that would be going away any time soon. The longer she stayed down there, the more she feared permanent damage. Cadence opened her eyes when she heard the foot steps coming towards her. She wasn't surprised when she seen Thomas standing at the entrance. Cadence mouth thinned and her eyes narrowed as she watched him.

"I wanted to come down and apologize for the way that I acted earlier. My only excuse is that I was just so happy to see you, my emotions were all over the place." Thomas said, actually looking guilty and remorseful.

Cadence wanted to snort with disgust, but she remained quiet. She wasn't going to give him what he wanted and she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of begging him to let her go. He wouldn't let her go, it was obvious that he was obsessed with her, but she couldn't figure out how it came to this. What could have happened to him, to make him act this way? She supposed it didn't matter what had made him this way. He had her and she feared what he had planned for her. He had already shown that he wasn't against hitting her..

An idea popped into Cadence's head and she smirked. She could handle a beating, but she wouldn't be able to change a mating. Maybe she could keep him angry enough that he would momentarily forget about the mating. If she continued to rile him, then that would give Connor and her father the time to find her. "It didn't look like you were sorry as you slapped me across the face." Cadence said, breaking the silence that had spread through out the basement. Cadence watched as Thomas's eye's narrowed and held back a smirk.

"Watch what you say Cadence. We've been through this before." Thomas warned, moving closer.

Cadence shrugged, "I don't care what you do Thomas. You are nothing, but a sad old man. I feel sorry for you, I really do. I'm also sorry if you've somehow deluded yourself into believing that I'm yours in some way. I wouldn't choose you if you were the last wolf on this earth." Cadence barely had time to brace herself as Thomas flew across the room and slammed his fist into her face. Cadence could admit that it was probably the strongest hit she had ever taken, the hit itself made her see stars and at the moment she couldn't tell if her eyes were open or closed. "Is that is? Hit me into submission? If you remember correctly, I'm an Alpha's daughter. I don't submit!" Cadence growled, earning another hit to the face. She could taste the blood and fought to stay conscience.

"They won't ever find you. You're father believed you dead for a long time. Hell, I believed you were dead for the longest time. I even mourned over your supposed death. Then, I got a visitor from the Slade pack. Told me he had a rogue bitch trying to be higher than she was. After he described you to me, I couldn't believe it. I then planned for a way to get in and out of the Slade territory without being seen. It wasn't hard after Connor announced that he was taking you for a mate." Thomas said, smirking at a bloodied Cadence. He grabbed a strand of her hair and pulled. "I have to say, red looks really good on you. It brings out your eyes."

Cadence didn't hesitate to spit in Thomas's face. "Sick bastard." Cadence's heart pinched at Thomas's confession. Was Connor's pack so against her that they sold her out to her biggest enemy? Was he just messing with her, to rile her up and make her weak? Cadence gasped and yelped when she was yet again punched. Her vision went in and out and she was slightly aware of Thomas moving around her when her vision finally went black.



Sorry it's not as long as the other's, but I really wanted to at least get an update out there.

SINFUL DESIRE - will be updated tomorrow if I have the time. I'm not sure what's going on and what my family has planned.

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