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Connor was beyond relieved to see his brother alive and looking well

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Connor was beyond relieved to see his brother alive and looking well. But, now his little brother stood between him and a rogue female who had for all he knew taken Joey in the first place. If Connor found that to be the case, he would kill her for her crime. "Joey, come here." Connor demanded, but Joey only raised his head in defiance. Connor could see that his brother's lower lip trembled, and he felt his heart soften. "Mother has been worried sick, the entire pack is worried."

Joey bowed his head slightly in shame, "I didn't mean to worry anyone."

Connor moved closer, but it seemed the sound he had made, made Joey remember the female that laid behind him and he half growled half whimpered. "Don't come any closer! You can't hurt her brother!"

With surprise, Connor stopped and his jaw tightened. He wouldn't lie to his brother and tell him he wasn't going to hurt her, because regardless she was a rogue who had his brother.  "Joey, it's time to go. I'm returning you to mother."

Joey's little head shook, "I won't leave Cade!"

"Now Joey, she's a rogue..." Jake said gently, trying to remind Joey that rogue's weren't one's to be trusted, let alone brought into a pack.

"I don't care! If it wasn't for Cade, I would have died out here! She kept me warm, fed me, and protected me. It's my fault she's hurt... She was tired, and even then she protected me..." Joey was now close to tears as he stared down at Cadence's bloodied fur.

Connor hung on every word that came out of Joey's mouth, trying to piece together what exactly had happened, and what this rogue had to do with it. It seemed, that the rogue had indeed saved Joey, but it still didn't answer the question of if she took him or not.

"Was this the rogue that took you from the territory?" Connor asked, less gently than he probably should have.

Joey's head snapped up, and Connor could see guilt in his eyes. "You think- no! She didn't take me, I left- or well, I wanted to explore a bit. I got turned around and the move I moved the more lost I became. Cade found me huddled against a tree. I didn't trust her right away, and she kept her distance, but she didn't leave me. I would have died..." Joey tried to make them all see reason when it came to Cadence.

Connor looked to Jake, to see if he believed Joey's words and found no judgement in his eyes. He then turned back to Joey, who was trying adamantly to clean the females wounds. Connor sighed. "Fine, we'll take her back with us. Jake..." Connor was about to order Jake to take care of the female, but didn't get a chance to even finish his sentence.

"No! It has to be you brother. I don't- she needs help, and to be protected.  You have to be her guardian!! You have too!" Joey nearly yelled.

Connor could see that his brother was about to break, his emotions were all over the place. Connor looked to the female once again, his mind in chaos. What Joey asked wasn't something simple. To be a guardian was a huge responsibility. He would be in charge of protecting her, caring for her, and basically everything he already did. One more added shouldn't be a problem, should it? "Very well Joey. I'll be her guardian." Now that the words were spoken out loud, Connor couldn't take them back. If he did it would be dishonorable, and he prided himself on never breaking his word. It was his motto as an Alpha. "Caine, Rex  see to Joey. I'll take care of the female."

"Cadence..." Joey said quietly, the adrenaline leaving him. "Her name is Cadence..."

Connor nodded, shifting back into his human form. The cool air hit his skin, making him sigh. The coolness felt good against his heated skin. He walked over to the female after donning some shorts, and crouched beside her. He noticed that Joey still stood by, his eyes worried and still a bit unsure of Connor. Connor felt a bit irritated at the fact that his brother still felt he had to look over the female. He had promised hadn't he? "Jake come help me with her. Hold her snout in case she wake's up. I'd rather not have her try to bite my hand off." Connor said dryly as he set to work assessing her wounds. A few seemed to be older, and then there was the new one's Jake had inflicted on her. He'd gotten her good, a few lacerations needed suturing, but he didn't have the supplies with him to do that. Frowning, Connor turned to peer at Jake who was also shifted and donning shorts. He noticed now the blood on him, "Did she get you badly?"

Jake shrugged, not wanting to admit that he'd gotten as good as he gave by the female. "She has sharp teeth."

Connor's lip twitched in amusement. "She needs stitches, we don't have the supplies here to treat her. It's at least another day to the territory. We need something to wrap around her, to stop the bleeding."

"Joey seems very attached.." Jake muttered.

Connor ripped Joey's cloths up, and used them to wrap around the female. "He is. I've never seen him fight so strongly over someone. I hope to get a better understanding once we get home, but for now, I gave Joey my word and I will make sure this female lives."

The Guardianजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें