Chapter 24 - X-Mas

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Chapter 24 – X-Mas

            Snow crunched beneath Ford’s feet as he ran through the snow. Rica and Levi were close behind him. They were running from something, The branches in the tree above them shook and snow fell to the ground, shaken from them. Ford looked up and spun his arm dropping the monster onto the fresh powder of the ground.  It was a giant ape; it’s fur white and eyes a dark black.

            Screeching into the mountain woods the trees shook and a rumble came from higher up. Ford looked as the beast started an avalanche. “Shit,” Ford spun around and grabbed Levi and Rica’s hands jumping into the air and carrying them up with him his wings appearing. The ape tried to outrun the snow but became buried in it. Ford landed on another nearby ledge putting his two friends down.

            “Okay I think we are good,” Levi mentioned looking at where the ape was buried beneath the snow. Suddenly the snow burst open and the ape jumped from a hole then screeched charging at the group.

            “Just kidding,” Rica added on. “Should we run?”

            “No,” Ford’s wings appeared behind him and he jumped into the air speeding towards the beast. He flung out his hand and a gust of wind shot the ape into a tall pine. Instantly the ape came in contact with such force that it burst into snow – dead. 

            The large pine shook and cracked falling to the ground. Ford landed besides it and looked over his shoulder and Levi and Rica caught up staring at the tree. Levi nodded and took a saw from his backpack. The three were dressed in warm winter clothes, bundled in scarves and jackets. Ford watched as Levi sawed the tip, top off of the tree and held it up.
            “Perfect,” Rica smiled. “My family will love it, it will be our Chanukah tree.”  She joked and helped Levi carry it.

            Ford smiled as his boyfriend and friend walked back down the mountain towards Levi’s jeep. A gentle snowfall picked up and he suddenly felt cold. Looking up at the sky Ford wished that this would be the best Christmas ever but something inside him told him otherwise.


            Ford entered his home with Levi behind him. It smelled of warm food and pine. His family decorated the tree late this year, but finally all the pieces were in place.  It was beautiful and the lights twinkled and the red ornaments reflected the light. Levi came behind Ford and looked at the tree. They both stared at it for a moment then Nancy exited the kitchen.

            “Levi? Are you staying for dinner?” Nancy questioned.

            “Nah, just dropping off this handsome guy right here.” Levi squeezed Ford’s shoulder. “My mom goes all out for Christmas Eve. Hot Cocoa, a roast, and the works. She’d kill me if I missed it.”

Nancy nodded and returned to the kitchen. Ford looked around the living room taking off his jacket and snow boots. He was in a thin maroon hoodie with some gray corduroys. His socks crossed the carpet and he glanced from the stockings on the fireplace to the meticulously decorated tree. Suddenly, Ford felt a tear drip down his cheek. He turned back to Levi then put his shoes back on and walked out back.

            “What’s wrong?” Levi followed his boyfriend to the front door.

            “You know that dream, I keep having.” Ford tried to hide his tears but it wasn’t successful. He opened the front door and stepped outside. “I don’t want it.”

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