Chapter 18 - Rising Tensions

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Chapter 18 – Rising Tensions

            Ford tapped his pencil on the chemistry book. None of the elements and combinations made sense to him but they did to the boy lying next to him in his bed. The scene was completely innocent, the two had a “study date” and books and unfinished homework assignments were sprawled across the sheets. Levi was in a tank top the smooth curve of his bicep flexing as he rested on his elbows. Ford couldn’t help but be distracted. The two had found a common ground in these weekly study sessions. It was a great sandbox to rebuild their friendship and trust in one another.

            “Like this,” Levi leaned closer to Ford finishing the chemical equation for him.

            “Oh great, yeah, I get it now,” Ford nodded then laughed. “Except I don’t at all.”

            “Are you even paying attention?” Levi smirked. “Cause I’m not, I’m actually very distracted.” Levi placed his hand on the small of Ford’s back.

            The touch made Ford feel a bit dizzy and he gave a coy smile at the teen next to him. They leaned in their noses touching when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

            “Ford, it’s time for Dinner.” Nancy opened the door and spotted the boys diligently working. “Levi, are you staying?” Nancy questioned.

            “Nah, I should get going. Coach wants us to do an early practice tomorrow.” Levi started to gather his papers and book and throw them into his bag. “You should have joined the team.”

            “Right, so I could wake up at 6 AM for the practice.” Ford laughed and sat up. “I’ll walk you out.” Ford and Levi walked by Nancy who eyed them both curiously. They proceeded to the front door and out into warm spring night. The sky was clear and Ford looked up at all the stars.

            “You going to patrol tonight?” Levi asked throwing his backpack into the back of his jeep.

            “I probably should,” Ford frowned. “It’s been pretty calm recently though.”

            “Do you want company?” Levi offered, his sweet blue eyes tempting Ford into saying yes.

            “I do, but it’s kind of faster if it is just me.” Ford said reluctantly.

            “It kind of sucks that you don’t have any help,” Levi commented. “So you could take a night off or something.”

            “Yeah, I guess.” Ford and Levi stared into each others eyes. “See you tomorrow?”

            “For sure,” Levi opened his car door and slid inside starting the engine. Ford walked back into his house and towards his room. As he walked in he spotted Nancy cleaning.  Ford hurried over grabbing the clothes from the floor in the corner.

            “Ford!” Nancy scolded. “This pile of clothes has been here for a while, if you aren’t going to clean it I will.”

            “I’ll clean it.” Ford said staring his mother down. Nancy shook her head and walked out of the room. Ford quickly dropped the clothes then motioned his hand and a light gust of wind shut the door behind Nancy. He dug through the pile and pulled out two garments with bloodstains on them. They were from his fight with Bastian. He opened his dresser and stuffed them in the back.


            Ford flew through the night air and spotted some clouds in the distance. He smelled some smoke and spotted a fire in the mountains. Flapping his wings he flew higher and glided towards the smoke. It only took him about 10 minutes to find the fire and another 5 to find a perch to land on. Ford had gotten really comfortable with flying ever since Bastian died. He knew his powers had grown with the death of the Sage.

Sage (manxman)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя