Chapter 14 - Newsworthy

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Chapter 14 - Newsworthy

        A smoldering cracked computer snapped as some sparks flew from its shell. The rows of computers and desks pushed to the front still looked the same. In the back of the class were large tables with current layouts of the paper, much of it blank, waiting to be filled. A dim light seeped through the cracks of the door from the hallway and a bright green exit sign illuminated the only door into the room.

        “Why are you dressed like that?” Nina mustered up trying to appear brave and looked the woman in the eye. She held eye contact with the woman, beautiful olive colored skin, bright eyes

        “My dear, I can ask you the same question. Not a becoming outfit of a young lady.” The woman smirked. “That’s probably why you don’t have a child. It is time.”

        “She’s definitely not from this time.” Nina stated. “So you’re Roman, or Greek right.”

        “Try Goddess, the last of them,” The woman held out her hand and electric bolts formed a staff. She pointed it at Nina who gulped.  “And you are ash.”

        Ford leapt forward kicking the woman’s staff out of her hand. She fell to the floor for a moment then swiped Ford into a wall. Running she grabbed her staff and her eyes glowed with electric power. She turned to look back where Ford and Nina were, but there were gone.  The side door was left open.

        Ford held Nina’s hand as they ran across the parking lot. Looking back, Nina watched the woman transform into lightning and shoot up into the sky. Another bolt shot down right in front of them.

        “You’re pathetic, both of you. Here I imagined a Sage to contain more power. I suppose I was wrong.” The woman smiled at the two then in a whip of lightning disappeared back into the sky.

        Panting, Nina and Ford eyed each other. Nina hopped up and walked across the grass pulling out her keys. “This story is going to make me famous.”

        “You can’t write the story!” Ford hopped up and followed Nina to the parking lot. He couldn’t believe what he just heard her say.

        “Who’s going to stop me? You? Her?” Nina shook her head. “Regardless Ford, this is something the world needs to know and I will be the one to tell them.”

        “Fine, then get the full story.” Ford started and pointed up to the sky. “You need to know who your characters are – the villain,” Ford pointed to himself, “the hero, and all the back story that comes with it.”

        “Just admit you need my help.” Nina smirked then nodded. “I’ll meet you in the library before school.”


            Ford couldn’t sleep that night, as he sat in the library reading through books about goddesses, he couldn’t believe how many there were. Looking up he spotted Mr. Lenoir and Levi talking with each other. This was his first time seeing both of them since school ended for the summer. Levi spotted Ford and dismissed himself from the conversation with the history teacher.

            “Ford, I wanted to talk with you.” Levi started sitting down at the table with the boy he loved.

            “I wanted to talk with you too.” Ford gulped. He needed to tell Levi what conclusions he came to. “I’m sorry,” Ford spat out finally finding the right words for the jock. “I’m really sorry.”

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