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"Kilia wants a vial of that Excalibur crap," Jace said, arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the far wall.

We were in Tristan's study, our usual meeting spot these days, especially with the idea that Alik had followers within Tristan's ranks to begin with. That particular evening was rather special though. Instead of just Jace and Zak in the room with Tristan and me as the... 'third wheel' so to speak, it was the entire right hands, with the exception of Dane, of course. I was a little nervous with the other three in the room. Their presence commanded respect and obedience just by looking at them. Well... to be more precise, it was the woman that commanded respect and obedience. She was had this deadly kind of grace about her.

All she had to do was walk in a room and she would have everyone's attention without even having to say a word, or lift a finger. She had long silvery hair that I was pretty sure was dyed, an eye patch over her left eye and the right one was a piercing gray color. Had I been straight, she would have been my type for certain. She was really hot. Except the only thing that would have kept me from touching her had I been straight, were the two very large looking hand guns on each thigh. Not to mention the huge ass hunting knife that hung from her belt along her lower back.

"What do you think, Ahmeil?" Tristan asked her.

Ahmeil turned her gray eye toward him and shrugged, "If Kilia wants it. We'll get it."

I shivered. She sounded so... sure about it. Like nothing would stand in her way of getting what she wanted or needed. That commanding tone of hers was also present. It sort of reminded me of Tristan's tone when he was issuing orders to the gang members. There was no doubt in my mind as to why Ahmeil was one of the six right hands. She definitely fit the bill for it.

"Where are we gonna get this shit?" Jace was getting impatient and annoyed. It was getting easier to tell what he was thinking and feeling. His crossed arms and the way his eyebrows came down just slightly said he was annoyed.

"Track down the one who is selling it."

"That's easier said than done, you realize."

I leaned back, sighing heavily in the chair that I was occupying. I glanced between the two. Something told me that Ahmeil and Jace just didn't get along and on a level completely different than Jace just being mean because he didn't know how to express himself. I was pretty sure those two just absolutely hated each other. Ahmeil's eye narrowed as she watched Jace from across the room. I could almost see the tension building. Hell I could feel it, and if I turned on Excalibur I was pretty sure I could cut right through it.

"All right, all right, enough. You're both going to make me crazy," I huffed softly. I avoided Ahmeil's gaze though. I could certainly feel it, that cold icy glare sent chilling pin pricks down my spine. Jace, on the other hand, rolled his eyes, but his expression soften with me. I took a moment and cleared my throat as I pulled an arm up and leaned my head into my loosely curled fist, "There was a case, when Alik had captured us a few weeks ago. It had the drug in it. He left without the case after I kicked his ass, but I... didn't think to grab it."

"I doubt it is still there," Ahmeil's sharp tone cut through.

I rolled my eyes. That was a possibility too, but as far as I was concerned, it was a better shot than jumping blindly into Alik's territory to find some phantom drug dealer. Hell, the drug dealer could have been Alik himself. I bit my tongue to keep from snickering at that thought. Alik wouldn't have been smart enough to create something so potent, so obviously it wasn't him. The point was, though, that we didn't have a clue as to who the drug dealer was, which sort of concerned me.

Excalibur was potent. It was definitely designed with a specific purpose. Which really made me wonder about the whole 'drug dealer' act. Could a drug addict really create something so... vile? So changing of human life? I really didn't think so, which left my other options and my rather wild imagination to give me some rather nasty conclusions. Many of those conclusions probably a lot more plausible than I was willing to admit.

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