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"This is just great," Jace fumed.

We were in the huge backyard of the mansion. Actually, it wasn't really a backyard, it was a gigantic piece of land that was owned by Tristan's family. More specifically as to where we were located, it looked to me like a gun range. Targets were set up at various places out in the open grassy area, a table held an array of weapons and I was seated at said table. My gaze stared at the various weapons without a freaking clue as to what each one was or even how to handle one.

I glowered up at Jace as he complained. Zak was leaning against one of the posts, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the two of us. He gave me a reassuring smile as I looked to him. I rolled my eyes, mouthing to him 'he's going to hate me'. Zak gave a short laugh and shook his head at me.

"All right, let's start with this. I doubt you would know which one was empty and which one was loaded, so how 'bout you tell me what you do know."

I frowned as he spoke, his voice slightly condescending. Couldn't he be a little bit nicer to me? I had the urge to reach up and slam his head into the table. He was really starting to piss me off again. Letting out a sigh, I turned to eye the weapons on the table. Nibbling my lip and contemplated on each one of them, trying to figure out if I knew anything at all about the weapons laid out before me.

"Uh..." I started slowly, my hand pointing to a small weapon, "Handgun?"

Jace rolled his eyes, "Bravo, captain obvious. What kind of handgun?"

My teeth ground together, "Don't know."

"Jesus... Fine, what about this one?" he held up a rather wicked looking weapon. It was large, the barrel was pretty large in diameter and the butt end of the gun reminded me of a shotgun.


"God you really are an idiot. It's a rifle. An AK-47, dimwit. Definitely not letting you handle that, it'd probably knock you on your ass. That one," his fingers shot to another weapon on the table. It was stockier than the rifle, "Is a shotgun."


"Swear to God," Jace mumbled, cursing to himself as he set the AK-47 down and pointed to another weapon on the table, "And that?"

"A knife. Seriously?"

"Just checking your stupidity levels. At least you're not a complete imbecile."

"Fuck you," I growled, my hands balling into fists under the table as they rested on my knees.

"Jace," Zak started, pushing off the pole he was leaning on and coming over to the table. He put a hand on Jace's shoulder as he watched him carefully, "Relax a little."

"Can't believe Tristan's going to keep this brat. To top it off he wants me to teach him how to fight and go out to gather supplies. How the hell am I supposed to trust this little prick that's from Titan?"

"How many times do I have to say it? I'm not with Titan!"

"You may be able to fool Tristan and Zak, but I won't buy your bullshit excuses!"

"Jace!" Zak shouted at him now, his hands pulling the blonde around and dropping him onto the table in a sort of headlock. Zak had one hand pulled back which looked painful and it showed on Jace's face as he winced, hissing between clenched teeth. Zak held him there for a while, my gaze wide in shock at the display.

"U-um... I... I think you can let go of him now," I said softly.

"Are you cool?" Zak asked, ignoring me for the moment.

Jace gave a slight growl, but nodded his head anyway. Zak released him and he stood up straight, rubbing at his shoulder. Jace frowned at Zak and looked like he wanted to say something, but refrained from doing so. Rolling his shoulders, he turned to me and I flinched slightly, but my eyes narrowed just a bit as I was preparing myself for a fight if he wanted one.

Excalibur {Complete}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon