Chapter 2 ~Panic

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Unknown P.O.V

I stood at the bottom of the rouges bed. She slept soundly in the bed snoring gently. Her arms were covered in dark bruises and cuts. It looked like she had been beaten and drug through the woods before she ended up in the interrogation room. Anger rushed through my veins just looking at her. I couldn't figure out why just looking at her made anger boil beneath my skin but it did.

She stirred slightly stretching started to stir from her slumber and I took that as a cue to leave.

Cole's P.O.V

I woke up the sound of a door shutting. I looked around the room and realized I was in another different room. It was painted light grey with a dark hardwood floor and it was a lot nicer than anything I've ever been in, even before my dad died. I sat slowly stretching my arms above my head.

"You're awake," a masculine voice said behind me. I turned around quickly and it was the same man from the white room.

"Hello," I said smiling slightly.

"You passed out after we left the room so I brought you to one of the guest rooms to rest." His tone was warm and friendly a stark difference to the cold and uninviting one I heard earlier.

"Well thank you, but I need to leave my stepdad will find me here and will come to get me," I stated as calmly as possible determined to keep moving to get as far away from Jason as I could. The man raised his eyebrow questioningly.

"You're not leaving, I'm sorry, but I will not allow you to leave," he stated as if it was just a normal thing to say. My whole heart sank and tears started to form at the corner of my eyes again before panic started to set in.

"You can't keep me here, he'll find me," the fear causing my voice to tremble as I spoke.

"You... You...," I couldn't finish the sentence before the room started to feel smaller.

"Are you okay," the man asked walking over to the beside to face me. I reached out and touched his shirt seeking something to ground me. His face pulled into a confused look, I ignored it closing my eyes and pushing my head against his chest breathing in his sent; evergreen and metallic. It was oddly comforting like I was back to when I was little and my dad would hold me when I was scared.

"Please just keep talking to me," I mumble the panic starting to dissipate as good memory of my father flooded my mind. He breathed deep and nodded and started to softly whisper to me. Slowly my heart rate slowed down and the panic that was filling my chest was replaced with an odd sense of comfort.

"Trust me, child you are safer here than anywhere else," He whispered his voice cutting through my memories. I just nodded in response. We stayed there for a few seconds in peaceful silence.

"My name is Cole by the way, just so you know," I whispered taking a sitting up and away from him breathing out. The man smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you, Cole, I'm Shane alpha of the moon blood pack."

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