chapter 1 ~ Rouge

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   I slowly opened my eyes but soon regretted it as the light burned my tired eyes. Taking time to adjust to the new surrounding I realized I was in a completely white room and I had been chained to a steel chair welded to the floor. I did the only thing I could think of, I screamed.

   The scream echoed off the walls bouncing back around me. I caught movement in the corner of the room. It was a camera. I looked straight into the camera imagining a dark room with a sick twisted person sitting on the other side of a screen watching my movements. My thoughts were cut short by a door opening up in front of me.

    "Hello Rogue," A man hissed. He was tall and stayed mostly to the outside of the room as he circled around me seemingly to take me in from all angles. He smelled of evergreen and something metallic.

   "Rogue... What's a Rogue?" I mumbled softly mostly to myself. The man's twisted laughter boomed through the small room but I could tell the laughter was fake.

   "You mean to tell me you don't know what a rouge is? Oh, darling child how are you still alive?" He chuckled seeming genuine this time. This only caused my confusion deepened.

   "Why are you laughing at me?" I asked tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes from fear and embarrassment. The man's laughter immediately stopped.

   "You really don't know, do you?" his tone was soft and his harsh features softened with sadness. He walked so he could stand in front of me and that was the first time I could really take in his features.

   He was older maybe 45-50. His face did not show his age but it was his eyes that showed his old soul and his mind was wise. He walked forward looking me over.

   "You're very young." The man said starting to circle me once again. Hot tears spilled freely down my cheeks at this point the fear bubbling in my stomach.

  "Please... Please don't hurt me," I cried sobs beginning wracking my body. The man scanned over my body taking notice of the dark bruises that adorned my arms and chest.

  "My men were to rough on you," he whispered brushing a piece of hair from my face to reveal my busted and bloody cheek from Jason. His voice sounded almost broken

  "Those... those weren't your men. Those were from my step-father." I hissed bitterness filling my shaky voice. The man shot up scaring me slightly at his sudden movement.

  "Your step-dad!" He half yelled a low growl admitting from deep in his chest.

  "Yes, my step-father, he... he..." I couldn't bring myself to finish my sentence.

  "What did he do," the man asked his voice growing dark.

  "I think he killed my mother and was trying to kill me," my voice cracked and I broke down crying again. I closed my eyes trying to keep my tears from falling. The chains around my body rattled slightly before going slack and then falling to the floor. I opened my eyes slowly, I was free and the man stood in front of me.

   He extended his hand to help me up. I hesitantly raised my hand to take his. He fulled me to my feet and eyed me again. I tried to take a step but my legs failed underneath me causing me to fall to my knees. The man sighed scooping me up and walking out of the room.

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