The Talk

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Draco slept okay that night. He still had nightmares, but they were blended, revealing some of his lesser bad memories. 

The next morning, Draco was still exhausted. He shook himself, and looked at the clock, it was six in the morning. Mentally groaning, Draco got out of bed and, after taking a shower and dressing himself, and pulling a brush through his hair, and stared at himself in the mirror. He was still very pale. He was also extremely thin, because of his refusal to eat. His eyes were still their usual beautiful grey/blue. His dark circles under his eyes had lightened quite considerably. Draco mentally reminded himself to thank Ginny for the sleeping potion, and also desperately hoping that she would not ask about why his room was close to freezing.
He walked out of his room, and down the stairs at around seven.
"Malfoy!" Ginny said, jumping up as soon as she saw him coming down the stairs. Draco tensed and turned to go back upstairs. "Oh, no, I don't think so, Draco!" Ginny said, Draco paused a second when she said his first name, but quickly recovered and moved closer to his room. Ginny knew there was no way she'd make it before he did, so she called out vainly. "Draco, stop!" She said loudly. Needless to say, she was absolutely astonished when it actually worked. Draco sighed, and froze at the top of the stairs, hand gripping the railing so tightly his knuckles were white. Ginny bound up the stairs and grabbed his left arm, dragging him down the stairs. Draco was confused at this action, and somewhat frightened. 
"What do you want?" Draco asked, as she pulled him out of the portriat hole. Dumbledore smiled at this. "Where are we going?" He asked, but Ginny did not answer him, and it was not until she dragged him halfway to the Great Hall that he realized where they were going.
"Whoah, I-I am not hungry, Ginny, I think I'll just go back." 
"NO!" Ginny growled, tightening her hold on his arm, causing his eyes to flash with pain, but managed to keep silent. "I told your mother that I would get you to eat more."
"What, hold it. My mother? She voiced concern?" Draco's voice was filled with fear. Ginny nodded and they were now just outside the Great Hall. Draco refused to go further, he flipped his arm and in turn took hold of Ginny's, spinning her around to force her to look at him. Fear was the emotion running wild in his eyes, though the rest of him was relatively calm and collected. "You cannot tell anyone about that, Not. One. Person! you get it? If my Father finds out, it will not be a good thing for either of us." Ginny looked at him blankly. "Please, you can't tell anyone! I can take my father's abusive actions, but not my mother! So please, don't tell anyone!" Ginny was shell-shocked. Draco, the tormentor for several years, forced to become a death eater, was begging her for something.
"I...uh, okay, I...uh, I won't." She finally managed. All the tension left Draco's body, and he looked ready to fall, but didn't. He released her. 
"Thank Salzar, thank you!" He said, genuinely, it made a difference. Whereas before his voice was filled with fear and panic, it was flooded with relief. 
"No problem. But, you have to eat at least once a day. Okay?" Ginny knew it was dirty, blackmailing him, but it was the only thing she could think of. He narrowed his eyes, but nodded curtly all the same. 
"Very well," He said, bowing his head. "I shall do as requested, Ginny, thank you." He said, and he walked into the Great Hall, Ginny following soon after. 
"Hay Ginny, was Malfoy yelling at you?" Harry asked, eyes narrowing at the retreating Slytherin. 
"No, no, we were actually just having a conversation. D...Malfoy..." Ginny corrected quickly. "Malfoy said he needed something from Snape, but didn't want to have to go directly to him to get it, so he asked if I would." Ginny said, true enough. She planned on telling Snape that Malfoy was having nightmares, as it was obvious that he was not going to do so on his own.
"Why wouldn't he want to go to Snape. Isn't Snape his Godfather, or something?" Ron asked suspiciously. 
"Ron!" Ginny said firmly, noticing his tone. "I think you should focus on school and homework rather than what Malfoy's doing, don't you?" She said rather harshly, knowing that he had failed an assignment. Ron flushed. 
"Whatever." He whispered. 

"DRACO!" Draco turned around quickly, ready to curse them, just about to cast the Cruiatus curse, before realizing it was just Blaise and Gregory. Draco's eyes flashed with anger. 
"You two, hallway, NOW!" Draco yelled the last word loudly. Everyone stared at them. Draco was shaking with obvious rage. Nobody had seen the Slytherin Prince this angry before. He pocketed his wand, and motioned for the two to follow him. 
"What the HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!!" Draco yelled at them once they were in a deserted hallway. 
"Sorry, Mate." Blaise said. 
" have to be careful, Blaise, Gregory! My reactions differ from yours. He..." Draco's resolve broke at the memory. His eyes began to glaze over.
"Draco!" They both yelled, snapping him out of his reverie. 
"He taught me which curse to use when snuck up on, and I really never want to have to use that spell again, alright, so please, do be careful." Draco said. 
"Sorry," Gregory said. 
"It is fine, just do not repeat the mistake. I do not want to accidentily cruio you. I have enough to deal with right now, okay. I really don't want to get expelled either. My father will be furious. Not only that, the punishment will be great. So, just be careful will you!?" 
"Yes, sorry, Draco." 
"You coming with us?"
"No, I ate an apple, I am good." Draco said, waving his hand to allow them to call themselves dismissed.
"Alright, see you in class, I guess."

Draco Malfoy's Worst FearOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora