1st Night

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Draco quickly walked through the commonroom entrance. Ginny watched him, as he turned quickly, staring somewhat absentmindedly before jerking and walking quickly to the room with the green door and the headboy symbol. 
"Malfoy," Draco stopped, frozen by his door, hand on his doorknob. His teeth gritted. "Have a goodnight." Ginny said. Draco laughed humorlessly, it was bitter, a haunted laugh, full of anguish. 
"Oh, please, Weasley, I am not going to bed," Draco said bitterly. He stared at her intensely. 
"Yes?" She asked, confused as to why he was still standing there.
"Are we done here?" Draco asked. Ginny was confused, usually he would just slam the door, no one telling him what to do. 
"Well, than, have pleasant dreams, Weasley." 
"What?" Ginny asked rooted to the spot by surprise. Draco gritted his teeth. 
"You know, Weasley, contrary to the popular belief, I am nothing like..." Draco tensed as he realized what he was going say. "Never mind,"
"Wait, you can continue, I didn't mean to be rude." 
"It isn't about you! Just-I...." Draco closed his eyes, his arms tensed, before he opened them again. Ginny had never seen him like this. "I should go." Draco said curtly, finally turning and going into his room. For hours upon hours, he stood pacing in his room. Not willing to allow himself to go to sleep. It wasn't that he didn't want sleep, because he most certainly did, he was absolutely exhausted, it was the terrors that came with the sleep, that he did not want. Draco almost fell asleep once, before he jerked himself up, and ran into the bathroom, locking his door, and the one to Ginny's room. Then he took a icy shower, allowing that to jolt his senses. This happened at around five o'clock in the morning. He then got dressed quickly, and just stared at himself in the mirror. He looked horrible.

Ginny thought that he heard the shower going. Groaning she turned to her alarm clock, shocked that Malfoy would be taking a shower at five in the morning. What the hell was going on with him? He had been acting really weird lately, it was like he was void of all confidence of his own. Now she was starting to believe what McGonagall said.
Now, that she was up, she couldn't go back to sleep. She waited for Malfoy to leave the bathroom, but never heard the doors unlock, or one door open. Once it come to seven in the morning, Ginny decided to check on him. She knocked on the door. 
"Hay, Malfoy, are you still in there?" She did not get an answer, merely the clicking of the lock on her door, and the slamming of the door on the other side. Ginny walked through her room door and began getting ready.

Draco Malfoy's Worst FearWhere stories live. Discover now