Chapter 23

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Xavier's POV

I couldn't believe it, I had found my mate! To make things better it was my childhood crush. I love her already, she is perfect. She was so adorable with her red hair and hazel eyes that could always tell exactly what I was thinking and how I felt. She really was perfect.

"I can't believe it," She said.

"Can't believe what?" I asked.

"I can't believe that my childhood crush is my mate." She said in a quiet voice, almost like she was afraid that it was too good to be true.

"You had a crush on me?" I asked

She just looked down and blushed. Her blush was so adorable!

"Hey, its ok, no need to be embarrassed. You were my childhood crush too, in fact as soon as I found out about mates I was hoping that you would possibly be my mate. I never got over you especially after we lost touch. Also you're cute when you blush." I said grinning.

That just made her blush harder. I just chuckled. Yep, I am already head over heels in love with this girl, and I haven't seen her since before I was 8 years old.

I then bent down and kissed her, and it felt like there were fireworks. She immediately responded and kissed back.

Then we were suddenly interrupted by a clearing of someone's throat, we broke apart and she blushed. I then looked over at who interrupted us, and it was her mom. I had totally forgot that she was in the room. I quickly started to apologize.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Parks, I forgot that you were in here, um, I hope that you will approve of me being your daughters mate, and I...."

Mrs. Parks just laughed and interrupted me.

"Of course it's ok. You were practically family before; you are even more family now. You are going to hopefully be my son in law sometime in the future. Plus when you guys were younger you were all Hazel talked about. You and your sister of course." She said.

As soon as Mrs. Parks said that Hazel blushed even more. "MOM!" She complained.

I just chuckled. "Hey its ok, you were all I talked about too, just ask Mel."

I then proceeded to walk over to the door, opened it, and in fell in no one other than Mel herself. "right Mel?" Mel just blushed.

"Sorry, I just couldn't resist, you two are so cute together." Mel said sheepishly.

Hazel and I just chuckled.

"Well would you look at the time, got to go!" Mel then quickly dashed out of the room.

I just burst out laughing, and then I looked back at Hazel. "Now where were we?" I asked.

I leaned forward to kiss her again, when suddenly we heard a scream.

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